What Hairstyles Should You Choose For Your Face Shape

Ever wonder why certain hairstyles look better on your friend than you? Hmm yep, you know what I’m talking about! I asked former hairdresser Julie Borg to give us an insight on what hairstyles you should wear, depending on your face shape.

Fringe Or No Fringe

Now, ladies, we all know this is a question we’ve at least asked ourselves once before, would I look good with a fringe? It’s one of the trendiest hairstyles. Julie says that before cutting that fringe and possibly making a decision you’re going to regret, you should look at your forehead size. Those with a bigger forehead like a rectangular facial shape tend to look better with a fringe compared to those that don’t have a big forehead, as women who tend to have a smaller forehead and cut a fringe actually close off their face.

Is Luscious Long Hair For Me?

We’ve all envied the woman with the luscious long hairstyles. However, although she may have pulled off those desirable long locks, long hair isn’t for everyone. For my women with a more rounded and fuller face, long hair will work wonders in complimenting you. Julie suggests this is because longer hair adds length to the face, slimming the face down and giving a more proportioned facial look.

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Is It Time For The Big Chop

This is one that many women contemplate, will I look good with shorter hair? And sometimes it’s a risky decision to make if your hair takes forever to grow back! Julie says women with a longer face tend to be more suited for shorter hairstyles, as the removal of length from their face shape compliments their face more, as long hair can actually drag your face down giving you a more unproportioned look. Also, Julie says as you age so does your hair, and hair gets thinner over time, for this reason, shorter lengths are more ideal if you want your hair to look fuller and healthier.

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Curly Hair Don’t Care

Julie feels that curly hairstyles come down to personal preference, you either like them on you or you don’t! Julie suggests to play around with the different type of curls you can have, and if you’re having your doubts, listen to your instincts. However, a quick tip to keep in mind is that curls add fullness to the face, so if you have a fuller or circular face and aim to create a slimmer illusion, maybe spiral curls aren’t the way to go so opt for a softer curl around the face, but if you have a slimmer face like a diamond shape and want to add volume knock yourself out with the spiral curls.

Straightening Things Out

Straight hair can be worn as a casual look or a classy sleek statement, overall for many women, it’s the go-to all allrounder hairstyle. Julie suggests once again this is another hairstyle that comes down to personal preference. However, if you have a wider face and wish to slim it down, straight hair is ideal in doing so.

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Put That Hair Up

Updo hairstyles are a look I  hear so many women be skeptical of wearing. When it comes to hair up, Julie suggests those with an oval or rounded face look great with this hairstyle, as hair off your face gives you a slender look. If you want it to compliment your face even more, keep it sleek, making sure your hair is taken away from your face. As for those that have a smaller or slimmer face, don’t stress. Hair up looks great on you too. However, instead of going for the sleek look, go for more messy updo hairstyles and don’t be afraid to have hair around your face as it adds volume, complimenting your facial shape.

That was a hairstylist’s quick rundown of what hairstyles are best suited for you. So next time you’re in doubt, have a look in the mirror, assess your face shape, and take the chance! Comment other hair suggestions below!

Featured Image Source:https://unsplash.com/photos/KlUjrn4lk8g
Taylah Borg

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