5 Things To Do Around La Trobe University When You’re Bored AF

If you ever find yourself running out of options for when you’re stuck on campus with no money, no car and no job, it’s easy to get bored. Here’s a list of 5 things to do around La Trobe University when you’re bored AF!
1. Savor the emptiness of Simpson Lawn.
Located just outside the canteen area lies a beautiful lawn adorned by trees. If lucky you may find ducks swishing in the lake! Behold and ask yourself-“How am I gonna pass this sem?!”..(if not already).
2. Explore the mammoth campus.
You’ve noticed those tall buildings but never had time to go there, so now it is. Believe it will save you big time if you know the campus! Pretty much the same feeling as Indiana Jones!!
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3. Try new cuisines from our very own canteen.
Sick of eating that same old bread and butter each day? Why not try the different delicacies which uni has to offer?! And guess what – you won’t get fat. My favorites are Kebabs, Fusion ($4.80 Pizza for 2 Slices) and Kadai Chicken (the only “spicy” chicken fellas!) at The Cafe Spice.
4. Open Mic at Eagle Bar.
This is a great platform for all those stand-up comics, uni bands and budding actors. Bring out your creative spirit every Wednesday Evening at Eagle Bar! Plus, they have cheap drinks too!
5. Stretch yourself outside Latrobe Sport Center.
“Stretching and me?!..Haha you’re kidding!” This was my first reaction, but the metal rods await you just outside the La Trobe Sports Center. Hop on those and end up being rejuvenated! The rods are carefully placed at different heights and distances to satiate pull-up thirst of uni students.
6. Take a free guided bus tour.
Did I say free and tour?! Hmm..yup. The uni has started a free bus campus tour using a bus service called “Glider Bus”. Next time you finish classes early and are too bored to go back to your room, just look for the next Glider bus. It starts from the bus stop outside Thomas Cherry Building and maneuvers via La Trobe Wildife Sanctuary, the uni campus and back to the Building again. These are surely the best 20 mins of on-campus travel.