10 Things That Will 100 Percent Happen To You At University of South Australia

Hi there! I'm a journalism student at the University of…
Every university has its quirks, the things that make it unique. The University of South Australia is no exception! There are so many things that will happen to you at UniSA. You know you’re from UniSA if you can relate to these:
1. You hear “SuperTAFE” from every Adelaide and Flinders student.
Honey, it’s called university.
2. But you rest easy in the fact that UniSA has the highest graduate employment rates.
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3. You’re genuinely amazed by the view from the Jeffery Smart building.
Guess you could say they were pretty SMART with location, ayyeee?
4. You believe the Aroma Café prices are a joke.
Are you being pranked? Because these Aroma Café prices are Too. Damn. Expensive.
5. But then USASA saves you with free coffee and BBQs.
At least someone’s got your back.
6. You sign up for classes at different campuses, and only realise when you can’t find your class.
I learnt this the hard way.
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7. You finally give in and buy one of the comfy UniSA jumpers.
Totally worth it. If you’re still holding out for ‘fashion’s sake’, what are you doing?! You’ll be just like this dog:
8. You die inside a little when you see even more stairs on campus.
The daily struggle – especially at the City West campus!
9. Adelaide being Adelaide, you constantly run into school peers you haven’t seen in years.
To say hello or to not?
10. You wear your blue, green and white with pride at every sports and club event, because you know you go to the best university.
What are some other things that will happen to you at UniSA? Comment below!
Featured photo source: instagram.com

Hi there! I'm a journalism student at the University of South Australia, Society19 writer and lover of all things chocolate and tea. If you're a fellow UniSA student, or even if you're not, check out all my articles for Society19!