10 Taylor Swift GIFS That Sum Up Writing An Essay

Julie is currently studying s Bachelor of Arts (Professional and…
One of the reasons I love Taylor Swift is her wide range of crazy and downright relatable facial expressions; they perfectly match the all too common uni/college experience of having to write an essay, something we can all relate to.
Here’s 10 Taylor Swift GIFs that sum up writing an essay.
1. You’ll be productive and get this done early
You’ll get this over and done with so you can enjoy that party or binge watch that new TV series and not feel guilty for not having written this essay. Time to buy more highlighters and coloured sticky tabs and a new notebook because that’ll get you in the mood.
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2. Procrastinating … and procrastinating some more
Procrastinating because it’s too hard and you’d rather spend your time doing something enjoyable like going to that party or binge watching a new TV series on Netflix or procrastinating because it’s so easy and you can finish it in no time.
3. You need an essay plan (and a life plan)
Now you’ve decided to work on it, you need to break it down into points and decide what you’re going to talk about. You can write a detailed plan and finish this essay in no time. Realising you should probably create a life plan while you’re at it because you have no idea where that’s going either.
4. You’re going off plan and writing whatever comes to mind
You’ve started writing the plan, but you’ve quickly gone down a completely different route on something you’re passionate about and have a strong opinion on. You’re writing this last minute, so you need something you feel inspired about right now.
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5. Realising you don’t have enough sources, so you make up some and hope no one notices
Eight sources? Eight? Oops. You thought there was only three. And they have to be scholarly. There’s no time to sift through bulk scholarly articles, as if you want to – that stuff is so hard to read. Time to write something that sounds fancy and scholarly and whack in a few fake references hoping no one will notice.
6. Regretting your past decision to write this last minute
Why did your past self think it was a great idea to leave this to the last minute? You regret your decision and scold yourself. You shouldn’t have binge watched that new TV series or gone to that party. Why are you like this?
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7. The ‘all is lost’ moment
This essay sucks. It’s so unstructured. You have no idea what you’re talking about. You’re never going to finish it in time. You’re going to submit it late, and you’re not going to pass this unit. You’re going to have to repeat this unit.
8. Last minute motivation
Oh no, there’s only ten minutes left. You feel inspired and have ideas, and your fingers are on fire typing on your keyboard. You’re totally going to finish this essay before it finishes you. The adrenaline has kicked in, and you can totally do this.
9. Feeling like a ninja submitting at 11.59pm and the relief
Your fingers are on fire, and you hit ‘submit’ at 11.59pm right before the deadline. Feeling like a ninja because you made it right before the deadline and won’t get points deducted for being late. You feel invincible and like you can achieve anything.
10. The panic that there’s another essay! Vowing not to repeat the cycle, but then repeating the cycle
Oh no, you have another essay due next week. You promise yourself you’re not going to go through this last minute stress again. You’re going to start early and have time and not panic about it. Oooh, is that a new TV series on Netflix? And that party next Friday sounds fun …
Which of these points/Taylor Swift reactions are you the most when writing an essay? Are there any stages or reactions I’ve missed?
Featured Image Source: https://weheartit.com/entry/313729766

Julie is currently studying s Bachelor of Arts (Professional and Creative Writing) at Deakin University in Australia. She's a hardcover book and journal collector, she owns way too many planners, and she keeps telling herself that one day she will go to Paris.