Uni Life

20 Things You Wouldn’t Think To Bring To RMIT

University is an exciting yet confusing time period. There are so many little things that if you forget to bring,…

8 years ago
22 Tips For University Of Auckland First Years

22 Tips For University Of Auckland First Years

As the semester is flying by, you're probably starting to become more adjusted to uni. However, some things may not…

8 years ago

20 Things No One Tells QUT First Years

When you start your first year at university, everything seems like a blur. You have lecturers, student helpers and staff…

8 years ago

What I Learned From Being a Transgender Student at the University of Auckland

More and more students are coming out as being transgender as more and more universities become more accepting and understanding…

8 years ago

16 Tips For First Years at QUT

A new year at QUT is about to start. Are you ready? Every new year at uni is exciting, but…

9 years ago