8 Subtle Glitter Makeup Looks For Your Everyday Routine

18, journalism student, loves dogs and Parks and Recreation
Glitter has come into trend in some strange ways, including glitter beards and glitter armpits. If you’re not that daring and just want to try a subtle glitter look, there are plenty of options. These glitter makeup looks will give you your glitter fix without being overboard. Also, an added tip, the easiest way to get glitter off your body is by using either a lemon juice and bicarb mix, rubbing alcohol or vinegar.
1. Glitter eyeliner
Glitter eyeliner adds a subtle pop to your upper eyelid. You can wear it by itself, or for a more dramatic look, line it above your normal black liner.
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2. Highlighter
Instead of your classic highlighter, take some fine loose glitter and tap it along your cheek bones. Fine glitter give you a more natural effect, or if you want it to stand out, use some larger chunks. A very easy way to incorporate glitter makeup into your beauty regime!
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3. Eyeshadow
Adding glitter to your eyelid gives a beautiful pop to your eye. You could use a glitter eyeshadow or apply loose glitter to create just an inner corner shine, a pop to the centre of your lid or all over your lid. Please make sure that you are using makeup glitter as normal craft glitter can be very damaging to your eyes.
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4. Body Glitter
Body glitter is a subtle way to add a shine to your body, especially when you’re out in the sun. You can either buy it in a cream version or as a spray.
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5. Nail polish
Glittery nails are an easy to way to add glitter to your beauty regime which doesn’t take long to apply and will last a while. The best way to put on a glitter nail polish is to apply one layer, and then a second layer by painting it onto a makeup sponge, and then dabbing the nailpolish onto your nail. This will intensify the glitter.
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6. Lipstick or Lip gloss
First off, you could add a glitter lip gloss over a normal lipstick to give it some shine. You could also apply a glitter liquid lipstick. Another option is to add some loose glitter makeup into a clear lip gloss and apply it like that.
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8. Glitter roots
This one is not subtle for an everyday look, however, could be for an event such as a music festival. Mix your choice of glitter makeup with a clear hair gel and then apply along your roots.
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9. Glitter bath bomb
Treat yourself with a glitter bath. The brand lush especially has a great range of sparkly bath bombs that leave your skin silky, smooth, and your bathtub looking magical!
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What are some of your favourite glitter makeup looks to add to your beauty routine? Let us know by leaving a comment in the section below!
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18, journalism student, loves dogs and Parks and Recreation