15 Pictures That Will Make You Wish You Were Starting School At The University Of South Australia Tomorrow

19. Australian. Aspiring journalist with a passion for the creative…
Current UniSA students will understand and agree with me when I say that the University of South Australia is incredible. So much so that when we’re on break, we count down the days until we’re back on campus, where we’re in an environment that we know and love. Don’t understand what we’re talking about? Well then here are 15 pictures that will make you wish you were starting school at the University of South Australia tomorrow.
1. Movie Night at City West
Movies at Jeffrey’s is always a big event at UniSA. Students from all campuses gather at City West to watch great movies, eat great food and have great laughs. Who wouldn’t enjoy this atmosphere?
2. UniSA’s 25th Birthday Celebrations
UniSA is known for holding some big events, including the 25th birthday bash as seen in this image. It’s always a party when you study at UniSA!
3. Teamwork
There are variety of sports teams for you to join at UniSA! Become part of a team, reach your goals, and make some new friends while you’re at it.
4. Brekky Bar
Every Wednesday, UniSA has an open brekky bar that allows students to pick from a variety of breakfast foods for only $1. I don’t know about you, but I usually never have time for breakfast in the mornings, so this an extremely cheap option that keeps me healthy and full.
5. City East Campus
UniSA campuses are not only great institutions of learning, but they’re not bad looking either. The brilliant architecture and stunning views are just another bonus when you study at UniSA. Check out this image of the City East campus!
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6. Student Lounge
Need a place to relax after a hard study session? Or need a comfortable place so you can power through your studies? Then UniSA has plenty of cozy places available. Just check out this image from the City West campus. It looks like it came straight out of Tumblr!
7. Photography Studio
UniSA has some of the best technology available for university students; one of which is a photography studio located at City West. I could spend hours learning and taking photos in that studio.
8. The Library
There are literally no words to describe this image besides ‘wow’. All I can say is that Belle would be pretty jealous of this library.
9. UniTopia
Like I said before, UniSA is known for holding some great events: this is one of them. Unitopia is an amazing event, held once a semester, that aims to relax students and create a fun atmosphere on campus around exams/final assignments time.
10. Magill Campus
I’m kind of bias to my own campus. In my opinion, Magill has the most beautiful views out of all the campuses. With the swamp of foliage, the large oval and the running river in the middle campus, it is the perfect place to study if you’re looking for a campus that has great sights.
11. The Café
Another great thing about UniSA campuses is the facilities available for students, which includes the café. There’s no better way to spend the winter months than sipping on a warm beverage in the student hub.
12. TV/Filming Studio
As said before, UniSA some incredible technology available for students. This includes the TV/filming studio at Magill. The newsroom replica is perfect for the journalism and digital media students studying on campus.
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13. Recording Booth
Not only does Magill have a TV/filming studio, they also have a recording booth. Again, the radio station replica is perfect for the journalism and media students on campus.
14. Swimming Pool
One of the best parts about studying at the Magill Campus is the readily available pool in the summer months. It is available to any UniSA student during certain times of the year and for a much cheaper price than the Aquatic Centre.
15. Relaxation
How can you look at this photo and not feel relaxed? Lounging around on a nice sunny day, with a beautiful view like this, makes assignments worth doing.
Just from looking at these photos, who else is excited to return to or start studying at the University of South Australia? I know I can’t wait to start my second year at UniSA in February and see all my friends again!
What else do you find great about UniSA? Which campus do you think is best? Let us know.
Good luck to all the university students studying in 2017!
Are you excited to be starting school at the University of South Australia? Comment below!
Featured photo source: instagram.com

19. Australian. Aspiring journalist with a passion for the creative arts.