20 Hacks At The University Of South Australia That’ll Make Your Life Easier

Final year journalism and international relations student at UniSA, 20…
Please! Stop panicking! We know it’s your first day, you’ve sent out the obligatory ‘first day of uni’ Snapchat to your best friends, it’s on your story, your Mum posted on your wall- we get it! You sorted out what bus you need to catch to Magill or even how on earth you get to Mawson Lakes. Yet you still have no idea what you are getting yourself into! Some say university is easy yet most of us end up crying. I am here to make your step into university an easy one, so here are 20 hacks at The University of South Australia that are guaranteed to make your life easier.
1. Download Lost On Campus.
Lost On Campus is an app available in the app store that allows you to enter all the strange numbers and letters that appear on your timetable, in order to find your classes. It is terrifying having no idea where anything is and lost on campus will save your life! If you are over several campuses, you can change campuses, even universities!
2. Get an Aroma card.
Aroma is a coffee shop located on most UniSA campuses, not only do they have incredible sandwiches and salads on offer, they will be your go to when you finished your assignment at 3 am and have a lecture at 8 am. They have a rewards program that allows you to receive a free coffee after a certain purchased amount. Don’t worry, we all find it acceptable to be late because you were in line for coffee.
3. Use the online library citation.
This will be your life saver. Simply by pressing cite when using the UniSA online database, the library will produce your reference. Depending on your course, it is provided in both APA and Harvard. This will save your late nights of writing a reference list when you should’ve kept note of it from the beginning!
4. Download Parki
In 2016, UniSA introduced an app called Parki which allows you to pay for your parking without having to 1, leave your car or 2, scramble to find coins for the ticket machine. The app takes the money out of your account once you have left campus. Plus it is so cheap! You will pay $1.50 maximum a day at both Magill and Mawson Lakes campuses.
5. All your lectures are online!
Not feeling too flash? Had a late night? Or simply forgot you’re actually doing a degree; don’t worry! Your lecture is online! UniSA apart from compulsory lectures posts (nearly most) of their lectures online. These can be found on your course homepage and are excellent when it comes to exam revision or trying to remember that really important thing your lecturer said to remember!
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6. For goodness sake, ask IT to hook your laptop up to the printers.
UniSA has an incredible wifi/ printer system. You can print from any device that you bring on campus as well as from the computers provided on campus. Simply give IT a buzz when you’re on campus and they will come and give you hand or talk you through how to do it yourself.
This seems like such a stupid hack, but honestly you will not regret it. UniSA has a thing for either not using an airconditioner or using it to a level which will freeze your toes off. Do yourself a favour and keep a cardigan in your bag. Lecturers seem to not feel the 18 degree aircon when it is 12 degrees outside!
8. Use Google Docs for group assignments, you will thank yourself later when your PowerPoint gets lost in cyber space.
An iconic excuse for not handing up work on time is that ‘the email never came through’ or ‘ it deleted itself’. To avoid and solve this problem, for all group work that you have use Google Docs! Not only does it automatically save but everyone can access it without having to save and email then come back together with everyone’s changes and additions. Just trust me, you will thank yourself later.
9. Learn how to use the library!
This may seem super lame and it is, but UniSA has a huge library. If you can’t find something on your campus, it has more than likely been posted online in a downloadable format. This will save you hours of searching on campus when you can use the reference number given online or even print it at home.
10. Download the UniSA app
Forgotten where your class is? Forgotten when your assignment is due? Don’t have the time to email your tutor to find out. Download the University of South Australia’s app. This app is 100% personalised; knows your classes, assignments and tutors.
11. Do your timetable the day it is released.
For your second year onwards, make sure to do your timetable the day that it is released! If not, there is the possibility of you missing out and therefore getting a tutorial that goes from 7-9pm and no one wants that. Plus it will help you with number 12.
12. Put all your classes on the same day.
When organising your timetable, try and get all your classes on the same day. There are several reasons for this, but it means less boring bus trips next to the business man who is reading The Australian and taking up ¾ of the seat and it means a possible 5 day weekend! If you get in early, do your planning, it is very easy to program your timetable to a maximum of 3 days depending on your course.
13. Catch public transport in the first week.
You do not want to be in that car park on the first day of the first week of university. There are swarms of first years, in their high school squads, fussing about where to go. You are much better off getting the bus, train or tram and walking the distance. Not only will it save you time in driving around and around the car park but will also help you familiarise yourself with the public transport to your campus for those ‘ I can’t be bothered driving’ days.
14. Try and buy your textbooks online.
University is incredibly expensive. Although we have HECS debts, living and having to study will cost you a heck of a lot as well. Most subjects have textbooks that are used throughout the duration of your course and these can cost up to $300! If you missed out on a scholarship or spent way too much money on smashed avocado during the summer, your best bet is Ebay or Facebook groups. There are so many people selling their textbooks online that have the slightest bend in the front cover or they have highlighted page 23. It is worth it, because you will be in the same position as them. Trying to get rid of these books and horrible memories of compulsory readings. Search for ‘Secondhand University Books’ on Facebook and all your problems are solved.
15. Do your readings, but not all of them.
Readings are super overwhelming and when you are doing 4 subjects and there are 3 readings per subject, averaging at least 30 pages per reading, that is a heck of a lot of time to spend looking at a piece of paper. Prioritise your readings and if you need ( not always recommended depending on the subject) but read the introduction and the summary right at the back. It will give you a general gist of what was written in the article and also may have some of the best quotes for your essays.
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16. Always start a little bit of your assignment the day you get it.
This is one of the hacks at The University of South Australia that you will not regret. UniSA and most universities have a habit of putting all of your assignments due in the same week and if you are super lucky, on the same day. Unfortunately this is just due to their deadlines. But! In order to make these few weeks of hell easier for you, start your assignments on the day you get them. Write a basic essay plan, find your sources, pick your question- just do something! You will thank yourself when you are buckling down and doing 4 assignments all due the next day.
17. Use the intercampus bus.
There is shuttle bus service that runs from Magill to Mawson Lakes. For some education students you may have classes split over the two campuses. This bus is free of charge and all you have to do is show your student ID card. The bus has a route the goes through the north eastern suburbs and comes hourly.
18. Don’t be afraid to ask for an extension.
Extensions are there for a reason! They are here to help us when we are sick, family life isn’t great, you’ve had a break up or merely just can’t keep up. Lecturers are human and they likewise understand that we are. They want us all to succeed and be able to perform to our best. So what are you waiting for, hit the request extension button and stop stressing!
19. Make the most of the free goodies.
UniSA gets you. They know you’re working part time, studying fulltime, have friends, family, play sport and maybe want to sleep somewhere in-between there. Several times throughout the year, UniSA provides some amazing free events. These range from stress down days where petting zoos are brought on campus, to the university’s birthday where there is free food. No student would say no, so be sure to keep your eyes out.
20. Make friends!
You knew this was coming, but trust in this one, having uni friends is the best thing you could ever do. Not only do you have people to chat to in class but also to help you with your assignments and to go party with on the weekends. A simple hello on your first day could be the beginning of a lifetime of friendship and it is something you will never regret.
What are some of your favorite hacks at the University of South Australia? Tell us in the comments below!
Featured photo source: unisablog.com and studyadelaide.com

Final year journalism and international relations student at UniSA, 20 year old who has flown the coop and living in her own stride.