10 Earth Day Quotes That Will Help You Celebrate

Julie is currently studying s Bachelor of Arts (Professional and…
Earth Day is about raising awareness to protect our environment. If we want a beautiful and healthy earth for us and future generations we should celebrate Earth Day every day! Here are 10 quotes to help you celebrate!
1. Not all those who wander are lost. – J.R.R. Tolkien
This quote is a classic and many people’s favourite. Explore all nature has to offer. Stray from the path and find the hidden gems. Metaphorically, don’t be afraid to stray away from the crowd and explore new territory. Explore new ideas and beliefs and activities. Follow your heart, and forge your own path.
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2. A forest bird never wants a cage. – Henrik Ibsen
I love this quote’s metaphor. Just like how birds who live in a forest never want to be caged up, neither do people or their personalities. Be your crazy wild self and if someone tries to limit your worth or creativity, don’t let them! This applies to others too, don’t limit them or their creativity. Be bolder and crazier and change the world!
3. The world is but a canvas to our imagination. – Henry David Thoreau
The world is a canvas waiting for you to make your mark on it, it’s ready for your wild imagination. You can paint it whichever way you like. So make sure you enjoy yourself, help others, and make a positive impact on the earth.
4. The earth is what we all have in common. – Wendell Berry
Everyone may have their differences, and sometimes they categorise themselves and distance themselves from others and don’t try to connect. Something we need to remember is we are all connected by the earth. So, next time you think someone is too different for you, reach out to them, and you’ll realise you might just have more in common than you think.
5. Time spent among trees is never time wasted. – Anonymous
Spending time in nature is never a waste of time. Taking the time to slow down and appreciate the earth’s natural beauty is a great stress reliever, and it provides time to clear your head and relax.
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6. Nature is painting for us, day after day, pictures of infinite beauty. – John Ruskin
I love how nature is made up of natural beauty. I love sunsets and how they’re different colours and combinations every day. No photo of a sunset can do the real thing justice. Take a moment to put away your phone appreciate the natural beauty nature is putting on just for you.
7. The Earth is a fine place and worth fighting for. – Ernest Hemingway
The earth is a beautiful place full of extraordinary nature. It’s worth fighting to preserve this beautiful world so the future generations can admire the same things we admire in nature. So, do your little bit to save the world, such as using reusable bags or a keep cup.
8. The proper use of science is not to conquer nature but to live in it. – Barry Commoner
I think humans spend too much time trying to figure out nature and don’t spend enough time enjoying it. We live fast-paced lives, so it’s easy for us to forget to appreciate our surroundings. Take a moment to slow down and enjoy the sunset or feel the grass between your toes—it’s the simple pleasures in life we should take time to appreciate.
9. Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished. – Lao Tzu
This quote is a nice reminder to slow down from time to time and is definitely something I need to remember. Tackle a project one step at a time so it’s less daunting and take time to get everything right. Some things take a while, which can be frustrating, but progress doesn’t always move quickly.
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10. Be the change you wish to see in the world. – Gandhi
If you want to see something change, don’t be passive and sit around and wait for someone else to change it for you. Be active, and go ahead and change it yourself!
Do you resonate with any of these quotes? What are your favourite Earth Day quotes that I haven’t included?
Featured Image Source: www.pinterest.com

Julie is currently studying s Bachelor of Arts (Professional and Creative Writing) at Deakin University in Australia. She's a hardcover book and journal collector, she owns way too many planners, and she keeps telling herself that one day she will go to Paris.