10 Core Exercises For A Perfect Beach Body

Wearing a bikini or crop top is the trend these days every if you’re not going to the beach, and having nice abs are essential to rock that look. They say abs are made in the kitchen but without working out it probably won’t show that quickly. With these 10 easy core exercises you will definitely be able to rock those abs and gives you all the more reason to spend time at the beach this summer.


Planks are one of the most basic yet effective core exercise that you can do, and if you are not too keen on going to the gym frequently this one can be done at home or anywhere, basically, the planking position allows you to work your upper and lower abs at the same time. Start of with 30 second sets and increase the time gradually and you will definitely see results.

3 minute plank workout

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Spiderman plank

Spiderman planks is one of the core exercises that targets more than just the ab muscles, it can help tone your back, arms and legs. With this simple exercise it no only tones your abs but also is a good stability work-out and helps with your balance.

How to do a Spiderman plank


This core exercise will help with stability and can strengthen both the abdominal muscles and obliques. Sit-ups can condition your back muscles as well as your neck and may help with body posture in the long run. This core exercise can be done anywhere and doesn’t require any equipments.

How to do a sit-up

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Crunches are easier versions of sit-ups and are great to start off with, as they require less strength in the abdominal muscles. It is one of the most popular score exercises that conditions the abdominal muscles and also the obliques, similar to sit-ups.

How to do crunches

Bicycle crunches

Regular crunches are great but bicycle crunches allows your body to multitask and work on more muscle sets, this exercise is a great way to target the abs and the obliques in one easy exercise.

How to do bicycle crunches

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Leg raises

An effective core exercise for lower abdominal muscles.Targeting your lower abs and pelvis muscles it helps to balance your hips. With this core exercise there is not need for any equipment and can be done lying down with your hand cushioning your lower back for support. Leg raises are effective in building muscle on the front of your body.

How to do leg raises


Roll-ups is a dynamic abdominal exercise and it is great in training your muscles to multitask.  This movement not only tones your abs and hip flexors but it is also great for stability and flexibility by stretching your back and hamstrings. It is one of the best core exercises out there if you want to keep your workout simple.

How to do roll-ups

Mountain climbers

Mountain climbers is a killer workout to get that heart rate going and also firing up every muscle group in the body, it tones up your abs and obliques but are also great for your arms and chest. With this one exercise it can save you all the trouble from going to the gym and working out every muscle group separately, this is highly recommended for those who want a great full body workout.

How to do mountain climbers

Jackknife sit-up

There are many variations of a jackknife sit-up and for beginners who are doing the basic movement of contracting your core and touching your hand to your feet you are already working your entire body. It is a great workout for a complete muscle tone-up.

How to do jackknife situps

Russian twist

This is a great workout for your abdominal muscles in terms of strengthening and toning,  the Russian twist incorporates the obliques as well as your lower back. For a tighter core you can opt for an advanced version with dumbbells in your hands for that extra burn.

How to do a Russian twist

With these 10 easy exercises you will be able to get that bikini body in no time and it doesn’t even require frequent visits to the gym. What other ab workouts are you favourites when getting that perfect beach body?

Featured image source: https://www.google.com/search?biw=1680&bih=889&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=Gb-MXO2QJJaf9QP9tbO4Dw&q=abs+women&oq=abs+women&gs_l=img.3..35i39j0l8.1577.4397..4946…0.0..0.370.834.0j3j0j1….2..1….1..gws-wiz-img…….0i67j0i30j0i5i30.qpfSM1sMpIg#imgrc=fUkgLad0rjhVKM:
Katherine Mang

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