
5 People You’ll Always Run Into At La Trobe University

5 People You’ll Always Run Into At La Trobe University

Well, not ten but I'm mentioning five types of typical LaTrobians one does run into intentionally or unintentionally! This is…

7 years ago

5 Things That Will 100% Happen At La Trobe University

Remember the time while adorning the "INNOCENT" ducks at La Trobe University parks you were attacked by them!.."Ah! Not that…

8 years ago

5 Things To Do Around La Trobe University When You’re Bored AF

If you ever find yourself running out of options for when you're stuck on campus with no money, no car…

8 years ago

You Know You Go To La Trobe University When

From the Red Cherry Building to the Simpson Lawn, there are so many things only students who go to La…

8 years ago

What Exactly Happens At First Year Orientation At La Trobe

The word "orientation" sounds quite formal, doesn't it?! "Yes" would be an obvious answer, more so because entering a new…

8 years ago