10 At Home Workouts That Will Keep You In Shape

Since the Coronavirus disease is keeping everyone indoors, it doesn’t mean you can’t work out. There are several at-home workouts you can do. Once quarantine has passed you will be out looking fabulous.
1. Push-Ups
This is a great exercise to build up your arm muscle. Lay on your stomach and point your toes to the ground. Then lift yourself up by placing your hands right under your shoulders. Keep your body straight. Then straighten your arms. Do this movement 20 times. If you are unable to do a push up this way there is an alternative. Get on your knees and push up just the same. You will get the same arm results but this way is more gentle on your back.
2. Forward Standing Lunges
You don’t need much space for this workout. If done properly you will feel the burn on your thighs and butt. To begin, stand with your feet together. Then step forward with your left leg. Make sure you bend both knees. Your left knee should be right over your left ankle. Your right hip should be lined up with your right knee. Hold this position for about 60 seconds. Then step back onto your left leg and you should be at your starting stance. Then switch legs and repeat. To bring up the intensity of this workout hold a 10-pound dumbbell in each hand. That’s my preference.
3. Bicycle Crunches
These are like regular crunches but so much better. You get a workout on your abdomen as well as your legs. Lay down on you back with your hands behind your head. Then raise your back and legs off the ground. Move your legs in a circular motion as if you are riding a bike, hints the name. Do this for 60 seconds.
4. Plank
This at-home workout is great for your back and abs. This workout will be timed on how long you can hold this position. Make sure you keep your body tight and your butt low. Lay on your stomach and point your toes down. Spread your feet about 6 inches apart and raise your body. You will hold your upper body with your outer forearm and elbows. Make sure you squeeze your butt and keep your shoulder pulled back. If you can hold this position for 60 seconds if that’s too easy hold it for 3 minutes.
5. Jumping Jacks
This is one of the few full-body at-home workouts and it’s simple to do. If you have any issues with your knees this may not be the best exercise to do. To start, stand with your arms at your side. When you jump spread your legs and have your swing over your head. Then jump back to your starting position and then repeat. Do 20 of these. To make this workout more intense add weights to your ankles.
6. Supermans
Once you complete this workout you will feel like a superhero. Lay on your stomach with your face down and legs straight. At the same time, you will raise your arms and legs. Hold this position for 10 seconds and then repeat. Exhale as you lay your arms and legs back onto the ground. When doing this keep your head aligned with your spine. This is another at-home workout that you will feel throughout your entire body.
7. Squat
This is an oldie but a goodie. How you position your legs will determine what part of your body you will feel the burn the most. I like to stand with my legs apart resembling a sumo wrestler. Keep you back straight and when you dip squeeze your butt. Do this 30 times. To make this at home workout more intense grab a 20-pound dumbbell and when you squat hold that position for about 5 seconds before coming back up. Bring your legs closer together and repeat the workout.
8. Side-Lying Hip Abduction
With this exercise, bigger movements are not better. This at-home workout will focus on your butt and is simple to do. Lay on your side. The arm you are laying on have it bent supporting your head. Keep your legs straight and together. Your hips should be aligned with each other vertically. Your head should be aligned with your spine. Now that you are in position lets get started. The leg that is on top, raise is up and keep the leg straight. Your hips should not move. Inhale as you return the leg down back to the starting position. Do this for 60 seconds. Again to bring up the intensity put weights on your ankles.
9. Cobra
This at-home workout will focus on your back and abs. Lay on your stomach and place your hands by your sides under your shoulders. Lay the top of your feet down. Inhale and then raise just the top half of your body. Keeping your waist and everything below still and on the ground. This will arch your lower back and stretch muscles in your ab area. Hold this position for 30 seconds. As you lay back to your starting position exhale. If you have any back issues, this may not be the workout for you.
10. Bridge
This is one of my favorite at-home workouts. This workout focuses on your butt and abs, who does want a bigger butt and flatter abs? This workout is more comfortable on a mat or on the carpet. To start, lay on your back and bend your knees. Have your knees apart about 6 inches. Press your heels onto the floor and lift your hips and back off the ground, inhale. Squeeze your butt muscles and keep your abdomen tight. Don’t have your hips lifted too high. Lower yourself back onto the ground and exhale. Repeat for 60 minutes. To make this workout more intense place a weighted belt around you and make your movements slower.