Categories: Do It Yourself

10 At Home Treat Yo-Self Ideas

In the infamous words of Tom Haverford and Donna Meagle…Treat Yo Self…at home! There comes a point in the week when you don’t know left from right, up from down and you definitely don’t know how you haven’t strangled Karen from accounting yet; this is the perfect time to try these 10 at home treat yo-self ideas.

These are perfect because most are free.99 and you don’t have to be wearing pants for any of them!  So here are the best treat yo-self ideas!

1. DIY Face Masks

Not only will these DIY face masks leave you glowing but they are also kind of delicious…get some chips for that guac mask and boom a mask and a meal! Taking care of your skin is one more step towards taking care of your over-all self. This is one of the best treat yo-self ideas!

Start that glow from the outside in by following this link to face mask heaven.

2. Bubble Bath- Oils and All

Take off all your worries, starting with the skinny jeans you’re wearing to the paper due next Monday and soak it all away. Treat yo’self to a nice, boiling hat bath and fill it up with your favorite lavender Epsom salts or that bath bomb you’ve been saving all week. It’s those simple tranquil times to yourself that keep you balanced babe!

As I type this I wish I was floating in mild to scorching hot water…hmmm no better feeling.

3. Painting With A Twist- The Twist Is No Pants Necessary

There are few things as relaxing as Bob Ross telling you everything’s going to be okay as he paints a tranquil forest of love and lush; so get your paint brushes out and paint the stress away. Painting has a way of helping you zone out from the noise that constantly surrounds you. Getting a canvas and some paint can allow you to create your own safe space and give you a piece of work to marvel at later.

And remember, no such as thing as mistakes, just happy accidents.

4. Netflix And Actually Chill

A Netflix and Chill session where you what? Actually watch the movie? Insanity. When you finally have the time to treat yo’self cue up Netflix and dive into that series about grade A chef’s and their masterful creations or that movie about the zombie fighting vampire!

Sometimes all the heart needed was a nice night of being cocooned up on the sofa with a commercial-less streaming service. Honestly, heaven on earth.

5. Eat, Cray, Love

You don’t need a date or a special reason to treat yo’self to a meal that will make you marvel at its decadent flavors, and even better one you put all your love and time into. Find a recipe online that speaks to your soul, get your ingredients, put on your favorite playlist and create your own episode of Chef’s Table.

Pair it with your favorite wine and transport yourself to the hills of Tuscany where your boss doesn’t exists and Paolo is waiting for you with gelato. Hmmm… a girl can dream.

6. Check Out And Check In

Sometimes the best way to treat yo’self is to check in with yo’self; I know, I know, sounds cheesy but your mental health is extremely vital to your overall well being. Think of it as a maintenance check-up on your car, if the tank is empty and the check engine light is on then you’re not going anywhere anytime soon.

So just like you would with your car take this time to see what needs a lil’ TLC; could be your brain or maybe your heart- whatever it is, cry it out, laugh it out because you just can’t zone it out. The glow starts from inside!

7. DIY Hair Masks

Great news, now that you’ve gotten all that debris out of your mental space you can do the same with your hair! There are so many options when it comes to DIY hair masks, from strengthening to smoothing this website has you covered:

See Also

So treat yo’self to some luscious locks boo, you deserve it!

8. Call A Friend And Spill The Tea

It’s catch up time! The days can get so busy and life can get so hectic that it’s hard nurturing your friendships but now’s the time to put your comfy pants on and call up your out-of-state bestie. Not only does it make your loved one feel heard and appreciated it also does the same for you.

Check in with your gal pal, unwind and spill alllll the tea because after all that’s what friends are for!

9. Runway Show À La Free.99

Do you ever run around in a tizzy on a Tuesday morning grumbling about how you have “nothing to wear!” well I have a possible solution for you sister! It’s time to play dress up but even better because you won’t get yelled at by your mom for snatching her heels.

It’s easy to overlook the clothes you bought months ago so this gives you the time to rediscover some classic staples and play wardrobe refresh for free.99.

10. Girls Night In

What better way to relax than spending the night bonding and binging than with your besties? No one understands your struggle better than the girls you’ve let into the inner sanctum so invite them over, get a bottle of deliciously cheap but strong wine and talk the stress away.

They are also probably in need of some R&R so show them what it means to treat yo’self because y’all deserve it! There’s seldom a problem a little laughter and a whole lot of wine couldn’t fix.

So when you try your best and don’t succeed and you get what you want but not what you need and feel so tired but you can’t sleep, this article will guide you home and try to fix you. What Are Some Of Your Favorite Treat Yo-Self Ideas At Home? We Want To Know, Comment Below!

Featured Image Source: https:
Valentina Rodriguez

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