6 Artsy Hobbies To Keep You Crafty

There’s nothing like the joy of being an eleven year old and learning how to crochet. Still, just because you’re an adult doesn’t mean that all of those years playing with different hobbies has to be for naught. Here are some new ones that might bring you happiness for the coming times!
1. Painting
One of the oldest hobbies out there, painting has been a pastime for bored cavemen and stuffy renaissance dudes alike. Ignore the pretension regularly associated with painting and apply your own definitions. Painting can be fun when you don’t care about what the typical art form requires. It doesn’t have to be you sitting outside painting the pond in your backyard when it could be smearing acrylics on the canvas in the vague shape of your dog.
2. Knitting
If there’s anything great artists do well, it’s embracing what they love. What better gifts to give the people you love than scarves that you’ve made yourself? If you don’t know how to knit, there’s plenty of ways to learn. Ask someone you know to teach you, use the internet to learn, or take some classes. As long as you start at your own pace and practice often, you should have the muscle memory and enthusiasm to learn how to be a great knitter fairly quickly.
3. Cosplay
Anime, video games, TV shows, comic books, you name it. The 21st century has become a pleasure house full of never-ending wonders when it comes to nerds, and it’s all thanks to the internet. Conventions are expensive, but starting an Instagram to throw on some outfits from your closet is totally free. This can go hand in hand with either makeup skills, photography, or sewing. Get a few friends to cosplay with you and you’re guaranteed to have a fun time in this welcoming community.
4. Makeup Art
Makeup is a day to day skill, but it can easily turn into more. Doing makeup art to spruce up your looks or to gain clout on Instagram is a worthy goal. It doesn’t matter who you are or the quality of makeup you use, this hobby will bring delight to both you and your friends. Sleepover activity planners walk out, you’re going to be three hours short when every friend at the party is handing you their palette of eye shadow and begging you to get to work.
5. Hair Styling
Similar to makeup, this is one that will bring long-haired beauties knocking at your door. You’ll never have to wear ponytails again once you have this sweet skill down. Practice those braid crowns well, it’ll be nice to have them come in handy when it’s your professor or boss dishing out the compliments. Developing an artistic eye is an important skill for crafts. Hair and makeup will give you better attention to detail so that close up symmetry in your doodles will never lack again.
6. Doodling
If there’s one art encouragement I can give everyone in the world, my advice would be to doodle. Drawing new and interesting things every day will increase the amount of creativity in your life and can go as far as giving you confidence and the ability to make connections with the other friends who have creative interests in your life. If you run out of ideas, don’t be afraid to ask the people around you for some!
What artsy hobbies tend to keep you crafty? Write them down below!
Featured Image Source:Â https://pixabay.com/photos/hands-gloves-knitting-winter-1032312/