80s Artists To Listen To Based On Your Zodiac Sign

If you’re looking for new music to listen to, follow your zodiac sign! This list has an 80s artist recommendation for you based on your star sign. Modern music is fantastic, but it’s also important to appreciate the artists who influenced the genres we love.
Aries: Blondie
Aries are known for being energetic, confident, and dynamic. Their vibrant personalities are easy to spot, and their adventurous lifestyles are constantly an area of intrigue. Because of their fun and energetic characteristics, the 80s artist for Aries to listen to is Blondie.
Blondie is a New Wave music group. Their music greatly contributed to the development of New Wave and punk genres. Their songs are upbeat, catchy, and iconic, making Blondie the perfect 80s group for Aries to listen to, if they don’t already.
Taurus: Tom Petty
People with the Taurus zodiac sign are reliable, friendly, and very determined. They’re known to be stubborn, but this isn’t necessarily a bad thing — their stubborn tendencies are a product of their persistent natures! As one of the more warmhearted and serene signs, the 80s artist for this sign is Tom Petty.
In addition to his solo career, Tom Petty was also the front-man of Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers, as the name suggests. Tom Petty was a singer, songwriter, and played several instruments. His incredible musical talent should be particularly enjoyable for the Taurus sign.
Gemini: Pixies
Geminis are charming, expressive, and can be rather whimsical. They’re also one of the most adaptable signs, which means they have the ability to thrive in a variety of situations. Despite their sociable traits, Geminis can also be moody and restless. Because of this, the 80s band for this zodiac sign is Pixies.
Best known for their song “Where Is My Mind?”, the Pixies are a rock band that’s closely associated with the 80s grunge scene. Their music is unique, diverse, and edgy, making them perfect for Geminis.
Cancer: The Smiths
Everyone knows that Cancers tend to be loving, intuitive, and loyal, but they can also be quite moody. This zodiac sign feels their emotions very strongly, and this enhances their empathetic abilities. Since Cancers can be a little melancholic, the best 80s artist for this sign is The Smiths.
Based in England, this early indie rock band greatly influenced the genre. Their discography includes several hits, such as “How Soon Is Now?” and “Asleep.” Their music is a little diverse, but all of their songs hold the same level of quality. For the complex Cancer, The Smiths should be especially engaging.
Leo: David Bowie
It’s no secret that Leos are theatrical, vivacious, and passionate. This zodiac sign places importance on creative expression, which can make them the center of attention quite often. Because of this sign’s artistic nature, David Bowie is a musician that should be on every Leo’s playlist.
David Bowie was a British musician with a discography spanning from the late 60s all the way up until 2016. His music was extremely influential and inventive, and the level of artistry that went into his lyrics, music production, music videos, and aesthetic was profound. Leos should definitely resonate with this incredible artist.
Virgo: Tears for Fears
Virgos tend to be reserved, logical, and intellectually curious. They’re often very motivated and driven, and although they can be perfectionists, they’re great at finishing what they start. As a sign that’s rather sensible and thoughtful, the perfect 80s artist for Virgos is Tears for Fears.
This pop-rock duo is based in England. They’re often associated with the emergence of New Wave music, which is especially noticeable in their 1985 album “Songs From the Big Chair.” This duo’s music is fun, pleasant, and unique, and should be ideal for Virgos.
Libra: ABBA
The Libra zodiac sign is peaceful, idealistic, and elegant. They appreciate the romantic aspects of life, and often develop rather charming personalities. As a lighthearted and fun-loving sign, Libras will probably appreciate the upbeat and dance-worthy music of ABBA.
This Swedish pop group is engaging, dynamic, and iconic. They have several hits, and they’re also closely associated with the Mamma Mia! soundtrack. ABBA’s music is undeniably fun, and should be perfect for the idealistic Libra.
Scorpio: Van Halen
Scorpios are charismatic and passionate, but they can also be quite intense. Their personalities are especially dynamic, making Scorpios great people to be around. Because of their spontaneous and lively characteristics, the 80s band for the Scorpio sign is Van Halen.
This American rock band is credited with being highly influential to the rock scene. They started making music in the 70s, but some of their most memorable work was released in the 80s. Their music is dynamic and energetic, which should be perfect for Scorpios.
Sagittarius: Talking Heads
The Sagittarius zodiac sign is one of the most adventurous signs. They tend to be philosophical, charismatic, and charming, and they’re often quite eccentric, which makes them even more unique. As such, a fantastic 80s artist for this sign is Talking Heads.
This quirky New Wave band has been described as “avant-garde.” They were extremely influential to the 80s music scene, and their music is still adored by many people today. Their unique sound is appealing to all sorts of people, but the eccentric Sagittarius should find Talking Heads to be particularly captivating.
Capricorn: Sonic Youth
Capricorns tend to be serious, introspective, and thoughtful. This sign can be a little pessimistic, but they’re also very creative and cerebral. Because of this, the best 80s artist for this zodiac sign is Sonic Youth.
This New York-based band was extremely influential for the alternative rock genre. Their music is often labeled as “noise rock”, which is an experimental style that stemmed from 80s punk. Sonic Youth’s sound is understated but powerful, which should be attractive for Capricorns.
Aquarius: New Order
The Aquarius sign is known to be creative, intellectual, and curious. They tend to be quite friendly and humanitarian, which makes this sign very pleasant to be around. The perfect 80s band for the Aquarius sign is New Order.
This British rock band has a rather diverse sound, and their genre labels include synth pop, New Wave, and post-punk. Their music involves resounding electronic elements, which makes their music easy to dance to. For the fun-loving and creative Aquarius, New Order should be especially enjoyable.
Pisces: Fleetwood Mac
Pisces are compassionate, imaginative, and artistic, and their vivid imaginations often lead to impressive creative abilities. Because of their charming, intuitive, and romantic characteristics, Fleetwood Mac should be on every Pisces’ radar.
Fleetwood Mac is a highly influential rock band. They started releasing music in the late 60s, but some of their most iconic work comes from the 70s and 80s. Fleetwood Mac has inspired several modern artists, and their music continues to be relevant and well-loved today. The imaginative Pisces should resonate with the whimsicality of Fleetwood Mac.