Are These Skincare Products Worth It?

There has always been a bunch of back and forth when it comes to skincare products. With the rise of YouTubers and self-proclaimed beauty gurus it can be difficult to decide who actually knows what they’re talking about anymore. Below are few of the hot button skincare products that people constantly debate about. This is a brief breakdown on these products because above all what truly matters is what your own doctor prescribes for your specific skin condition.
1. Toner
Toners have come a long way from what they used to be. In previous years toners were drying and damaging to sensitive skin. Now they’ve resurfaced with calming ingredients designed to help your skin rather than hurt it. With the insurgence of Korean skincare products toners have become a fan favorite of skin experts. The verdict? They’re definitely worth a shot. Toners aren’t just meant for people with oily or acne prone skin anymore. Now they’re meant to replenish, hydrate, minimize pores and be a base for other skincare products. According to Huffington Post a toner is meant to be used immediately after cleansing to get the best results. While trying a toner is a good idea like any skincare product there isn’t a one-size fits all. There are toners designed to work with specific skin types and issues so make sure you do your research before purchasing a bottle.
2. Retinol
Retinol has been around for a while now. It has been known as the main ingredient of acne fighting medication for the past several decades. Now people are coming forward saying retinol does much more than help teenagers. This skincare product allegedly prevents wrinkles, brightens dull skin, fades dark marks and of course combats acne. Retinol is also known for being extremely aggressive, causing flaking, redness and sometimes even burning. The verdict? Proceed with caution. While retinol has been known to get away with many of its claims and it isn’t as irritating as previously thought it’s still uncharted territory. According to an interview from Business Insider some doctors are weary of the product. Retinol does trigger the production and exposure of new skin cells, which is what causes smoothness and a younger complexion but overuse can lead to sensitive skin. Retinol might be marketed as the holy grail of skincare products but it isn’t. While it does have a lot of benefits and there are a variety of ways to use it don’t expect retinol to cure all of your skincare needs.
3. Eye Cream
Eye cream is a product that some swear by and others claim they don’t need. The verdict? Yes, yes, yes go by some right now. Your eye cream doesn’t have to be hundreds of dollars to work either, just a simple cream designed specifically for the skin around your eyes will do the job. Now it is still up for debate whether or not these products work but a lot of dermatologists claim they believe they can help with the aging process. HelloGiggles spoke with a board-certified dermatologist who said these products help product the skin around the eyes. I’s important to moisturize your entire face the skin around your eyes is incredibly thin and tends to show the first signs of aging. While there is no magic cream to prevent any fine-lines these products can help to a degree. They don’t happen overnight though, this is a product you will need to be consistent with. Just make sure you’re purchasing products specific for that area, stay away from any serums because they can be too harsh for that area. Any age can start too, the preventative the better.
4. Individual Creams For Areas
After all the fuss about your eye cream you may become sold on the idea of having individual products for every body part. There are moisturizers that claim to be made specifically for your face, neck and chest. They promise to target specific concerns for that particular area. The verdict? Save your money. While they may have some benefits individually overall buying several moisturizes just isn’t worth it. There’s no harm in using the same wash and creams on your face and neck, in fact it’s encouraged to bring nearly all skin products down to your chest. Most people do tend to forget about their necks when it comes to skincare routines and incorporating it is a habit everyone should get into there is no need to buy extra products.
5. Jade Rollers
Odd are you’ve seen a makeup guru running one of these bad boys over their face before applying their makeup. Jade rollers aren’t new by any means, similar products have been used throughout history they’re only now gaining traction in the western world. A jade roller is supposed to stimulate collagen in your face, reduce puffiness, reduce redness and brighten your face. The verdict? They’re fun and won’t hurt anything but please don’t spend $200 on one. According to Marie Claire some of the claims are true, but most of them aren’t. While this skincare product will help with puffiness and increase blood circulation all you’re really doing is giving your face a massage. This is not going to give you the kind of results you would get using an actual topical product or cosmetic surgery. There’s nothing wrong with owning a jade roller, in fact they can be a great source of stress relief and a fun way to start the day. Just don’t break the bank getting one.
7. Exfoliators
This is a skincare product more scandalous than most. Exfoliators are products that are used to do just that, exfoliate your skin. They have a gritty texture designed to scrape away excess grime and dead skin lingering on your face. Many swear by it and others won’t touch it with a 10-foot pole. The verdict? Sure, but put down that walnut scrub. Sorry Kylie, harsh exfoliants with materials like walnuts does more damage to your skin than good. Harsh exfoliants can cause microtears on your face that can lead to irritation, worse skin and possibly infections. Now there are more manageable exfoliators out there that are actually good for your skin. A good product will help with rough patches, acne scars and dry skin. This is a product almost anyone can use but it’s especially helpful for those struggling with acne prone skin. Exfoliators also aren’t an everyday product, they should be used once or twice a week depending on how sensitive your skin is.