Categories: College Life

Are Most College Students Repressed Addicts?

Most people think that the college lifestyle is one filled with many vices. From drugs to alcohol, the college experience is one that is expected to come with much experimentation. But what if this lifestyle is one that disguises much pain? So, the question of, “Are most college students repressed addicts” is one that must be asked.


So, why does the college lifestyle seem to encourage addiction? Well, the blame can be placed on the social expectations that society places on this time period within a students life. No, I don’t mean that society wants everyone to become addicts, but how many movies and television shows depict college as a non-stop party phase of one’s life? Hell, some schools are known more for their party atmospheres than their actual academics. It’s no surprise that some kids develop serious addiction problems while attempting to assimilate into their new surroundings. Of course, this blanket observation doesn’t apply to everyone but my college experiences have produced numerous examples of this.


Being immersed in this non-stop party atmosphere makes substance abuse commonplaced. Instead of dealing with stress and other issues by using healthier alternatives, many students rely on their vices. Some people can handle their vices better than others but for the ones that get overwhelmed, they began a slippery slope that can lead to failing grades. From relationships to work and class, every aspect of a student’s life can be severely affected by substance abuse.

Chasing The Cool.

After four years of witnessing a myriad of students partake in substance abuse, I noticed something disturbing. Most of these students weren’t even engaging with these vices for pleasure but instead, they were using them as social lubricants. Some felt that they couldn’t be social or express themselves without them while others wanted to appear trendy. I’d see them in between classes and they would look like walking corpses attempting to pass as living. This cycle of dramatic highs and lows often lead to many of my acquaintances disappearing at the end of the semester. Whether it was from failing grades or personal reasons, the result was always tragic.

See Also

And This Matters!?!?

Make no mistake, I’m all for a person’s right to enjoy whatever vice suites them. As long as said person isn’t harming themselves or others, who am I to judge their lifestyle. My main concern is that of the individuals that ruin their futures by overindulging into their vices. This disturbs me more when their only reasoning is to impress their peers. Without the proper guidance and consoling people who fall into this rabbit hole may derail their journey entirely. Now obviously, certain vices are worse than others but relying heavily on anything is never the healthiest lifestyle.


What would I recommend to anyone in this rabbit hole? Balance is the key to life! Too much of anything will kill you but as humans, we seek out earthly pleasures. While I don’t do drugs or drink, video games and music are my main vices. Sure they are seemingly harmless compared to drugs and alcohol but they could just as easily uproot my progress in life. In order to function as a contributing member of society, a balance must be upheld. While the title of this article is aimed towards college students, the ideas expressed here can be applied to anyone. In order to evolve as an individual, one must face their problems head-on. Sure, your worldly pleasures may satisfy you for a short period of time, but your true issues will remain. In order to achieve true enlightenment, one must be introspective.

Tell us your opinion on the topic below!

Featured Image Source:
Travon Wimberly

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