15 Apps To Help You Live Your Healthiest Life

Between work/school and social obligations, it can be hard for to prioritize living the healthiest life we can. While our phones can definitely make this harder, they can also be our best tools when it comes to living healthy. We’ve collected 15 apps to help you live your healthiest life!
1. Sleep Cycle
A lot of people will tell you that your healthiest life starts with a good night’s sleep. This app will track your sleep, work as an alarm for a time you set, or even wake you up during a time period when it’ll be easiest for you to wake up. Best of all, it’s free with no subscription needed!
2. Life Cycle
Life Cycle uses your location on your phone to track where you’re spending your time. This is a great way to track your home-work-social life balance. You can see how your time breaks down by day, week, month, and even year!
3. Peak
Keeping your mind sharp is important to living your healthiest life. Peak trains your brain through daily games, and tracks your performance to help you improve things like your focus, memory, and problem solving.
4. Postmates
This might seem counter-intuitive, but as long as you’re ordering in you might as well order healthy! Sure, Postmates can deliver you a burger from that diner down the street but you could just as easily order a healthier option!
5. Innit
While ordering food is good every once in a while is all well and good, it’s not exactly sustainable. In order for eating well to really make a difference, you need to do it consistently (at least, that’s what all the doctors say). Innit can help you by giving you recipes and shopping lists so you can make your own healthy meals at home.
6.Plant Nanny
Now that you’re eating healthy, let’s get you drinking enough water! Plant Nanny is probably the most fun way to keep track of how much water you’re drinking. You simply let the app know every time you’ve drank and it waters your plant. Best of all, once your plant is all grown up, they don’t just go away! They grow into your garden and you can still check in on them.
7. GoodRx
If you take medication, GoodRx is an absolute must. Even with insurance, you can use this app to compare prices and find coupons for your prescriptions to get the best price. Why overpay for something you have to buy?
8. Spring
Working out is hard enough on its own, but the last thing you want to worry about is your playlist. Spring puts togethers playlists for running and walking that fit your style and rhythm.
9. Kaia
We spend so much of our time on the computer and sitting at our desks, it’s no wonder so many of us have back pain. This app will give you stretches specifically designed to strengthen your back and decrease any pain you might experience.
10. Headspace
Now that you’ve taken care of your physical well being, it’s time to work on your mental health. Calm your mind with Headspace. Meditation isn’t for everyone but it can help you get to know yourself and relax. Your healthiest life relies on your ability to enjoy it!
With your newfound self-awareness you might find yourself wanting to document your fabulous new life Refectly will ask you questions about your day so you can track your mood and look back through your week and month.
12. Carrot
You can always use the Reminders app that comes with your phone, but this task app comes with an attitude and point system that turn your tasks into a bit of a game. When you don’t get enough of your tasks done, it’ll get angry at you– but don’t expect this app to congratulate you when you get things done.
13. Flora
Speaking of getting things done, Flora is an excellent app if you find yourself getting distracted by your phone. This app lets you set a timer for how long you want to avoid looking at your phone and holds you accountable by donating your money to charity if you look at your phone before time’s up. Even if you just want to read a book without the temptation to check your social media feed, this app is great for breaking your phone dependence.
14. Lime
Kill two birds with one stone by getting around your city and getting some exercise at the same time. If you don’t have a bike or want to give riding an electric scooter a shot, Lime is a great app to use if your city has it. It’s cheaper and better for the environment than booking a ride share service, not to mention more fun!
15. Noonlight
Most important perhaps to living your healthiest life is staying safe. This can be hard when you live in a city and you find yourself coming home from work and parties late. Noonlight works both as a safety button and as a panic button- you open the app and can either push the button for an emergency or press and hold it until you feel safe. You set a passcode to de-activate it (and in case you take your thumb off it on accident!).