10 Anti Bloating Drinks That Will Change Your Life Around
by Sandra Leung
October 4, 2018

Bloating is everyone’s worst enemy. Being bloated can definitely make you feel nasty and feel self conscious. Not only can it be a sign of eating something unhealthy, or an irritated digestion system, it can also be a pain to get rid of. But bloating can be easily banished with these ten anti bloating drinks that will definitely change your life. Not only are they amazingly healthy, all natural, and will stop bloating, they are incredibly tasty. Try these out, and you will find yourself making these every day.
1. Kombucha
These wonderful anti bloating drinks has blown up the health and fitness world and been trending non-stop for wonderful reasons. It is a fermented fruit tea that is delicate, sweet, and delicious. Because it is a fermented food, it is chock full of probiotics and antioxidants that will do wonders for your gut health and will definitely help your digestion. This drink is also a brilliant substitute for those are love a sugary carbonated soft drink, this light fruity and fizzy drink is a much healthier alternative. Definitely pick up a kombucha at your nearest store for a sweet treat and a quick anti bloat.
2. Turmeric latte
Turmeric is yet another wondering super food that is trending everywhere. A turmeric latte actually doesn’t include a single drop of coffee, but instead it is made with vegan milk that is dyed a bright yellow colour with turmeric. It’s also sweetened with a natural sweetener and the ingredients can definitely be tinkered with according to your own tastes. But the turmeric in this latte has amazing anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. So if your tummy is feeling bloated, give this a try to soothe your inflamed bowels with this anti bloating drink.
3. Green juice
Not only is a bright vivid juice of green vegetables and fruits an amazing addition to your daily diet that will do absolute wonders for your body, it will also do wonders for your gut health. Packed full of rich vitamins, fibre, minerals and antioxidants that are easily absorbed into your body, and will help remove toxins from your body. The alkalinity of the green juice has great health benefits for the body that helps with reducing inflammation, and be sure to debloat your digestive system.
4. Green tea
Green is yet another one of the anti bloating drinks that has amazing health benefits for you, and is definitely one that has anti bloating abilities that will change your life. Rich with antioxidants and nutrients, green tea has a great number of medicinal properties that will definitely be a phenomenal anti bloating drink. Not only will a daily cup of green tea decrease your risk for a number of diseases and health complications, this wonderful drink will also put an end to the inflammation in your digestive track that causes bloating.
5. Detox water
Detox water is just a fancier but accurate name for fruit infused water. This brilliant way to spruce up your boring old water with some refreshing tastes and some added health perks. Make your own delicious blend of fruits to infuse your water with according to what you like and what you want for your body. Slice up some strawberries, limes, and mint for a great detoxifying and anti bloating drink that will change your life.
6. Pineapple slushy
Despite how indulgent this wonderful drink sounds, it is actually an amazing anti bloating drink that will flatten your tummy for sure. Grab your blender and blitz together some frozen pineapple chunks, ice cubes, honey, and some coconut water, orange juice, or almond milk for a delicious and refreshing healthy slushy. Pineapple contains an enzyme that aids digestion. So if you’re feeling bloated, make yourself a pineapple slushy to move your digestion along.
7. Lemon water
These amazingly simple anti bloating drinks are great for removing toxins from your body, and that is why this simple elevated water will do wonders for anti bloating. Lemon water also helps maintain the pH balance of the, and that aids in neutralising any inflammation in your gut that may be causing your belly to bloat up. For a simple, minimal effort cure to bloating, definitely try this one out.
8. Chia seed water
Chia seeds are yet another amazing and magical superfood that will absolutely change your life. Adding a tablespoon of chia seeds to a glass of water and drinking it after the seeds have gelled up will flush your digestive system of toxins completely. Chia seeds are high in antioxidants, protein, and fibre, which will debloat your stomach by improving your digestion. If you are feeling bloated and blocked up, increasing fibre is the best way to flush out your digestive system out and get it moving, and drinking chia water is one of the easiest ways to increase fibre intake is to chug it. Not only will anti bloating chia water change your life, it also has numerous other health benefits such as lowering risks of heart attack and stroking.
9. Green smoothie
Just like a green juice, a green smoothie has amazing benefits for the body. But the added perk of a smoothie is the inclusion of all the fibre because the entire fruit is used and not just the juice. For a filling and detoxing breakfast that is easy on your stomach and great for bloating, a green smoothie is the way to go. This one is definitely one of the anti bloating drinks worth the try and will change your life.
10. Apple cider vinegar and water
Organic apple cider vinegar is another health food that has been blowing up everywhere. Great for salads, cooking, and all foods, apple cider vinegar is full of magic acid which has been shown to aid gut health as an alkalising agent. But if you are planning to try this out, be sure to dilute 1-2 tablespoons with 8 ounces of water to prevent the aid from damaging your teeth and oesophagus.
What are some of your favorite anti bloating drinks? Tell us in the comments below!
Featured Image: Pinterest
Sandra Leung
My name is Sandra, I currently study English and Creative Writing at the University of Royal Holloway. I am an avid reader and writer with a penchant for contemporary poetry and fiction writing. I hope to open the discussion on topics that I are near and dear to me through writing. I am passionate about literature, makeup, fashion, fitness, and I hope to discuss this in my articles