
19 Of The Most Annoying Things People Do On Airplanes

Traveling by plane can be an adventure of its own. Sadly, there are things people do that just suck all the fun from it. At some point or another, many frequent travelers have found themselves wondering why people act the way they do. Here are 19 of the most annoying things people do on airplanes.

1. Taking up legroom.

Sure, it’s often smaller than preferred and expensive to increase, but that’s all the more reason to keep to yourself! Spreading your legs might make you feel better but will make the person next to you feel crammed.

2. Taking up arm-room.

Similarly, keep your arms within the bounds of your armrests. Elbowing your passengers is never fun, especially over the course of a long flight.

3. Kicking the seat in front of them.

It’s never fun to feel a person’s knees and/or feet pressing up against your seat when you’re just trying to relax, especially when you’re trying to sleep. This one is particularly done a lot a lot by young kids so it’s easier to forgive but still annoying.

4. Pushing the seat too far back.

It’s the same problem as the legroom. It’s small enough as it is. Relax as much as you want to but at least leave some space.

5. Being noisy.

Once again, this is often done by children who don’t know any better. But nonetheless, loud adults board planes too. And either way, you just wish you could tell them to quiet down!

6. Trying to chat up other passengers.

Look, it’s boring being on a plane, especially if it’s a long flight. But it can get real annoying fast when strangers try to start conversations with you like you’re best friends or something. Keep your thoughts to yourself, alright?

7. Trying to flirt with other passengers.

And now the creepy version of number six. No, just because I’m seated next to or around you on the flight doesn’t mean I’m your soulmate or date. Back off!

8. Snoring.

Snoring is annoying anywhere but it’s worse in the air. There’s no where else to sleep and for most, it’s impossible to lay on one’s side in a seat so the snoring is without end! Earmuffs are a necessity here.

9. Chewing too loudly.

It’s bizarre that so many adults could lack table manners. It’s worse when they’re next to you and the noise of them shoveling down food is making you lose your appetite. It just makes you feel like this:

10. Bringing on smelly food.

Good rule of thumb: if you can’t ventilate it, don’t bring it on board. The smell of some people’s carry-on snacks is just atrocious. A terrible time for whoever’s unlucky enough to sit next to the offending passenger!

11. Constantly getting out of their seats.

Whether it’s for bathroom breaks or baggage, it’s better to be prepared and sit in the aisle seat if you’re this type of person. Alas, many do not, to the detriment of other’s flight experiences.

12. Smelling bad.

Some people just don’t know what hygiene is, do they? Better hope the flight is short, or that the airline gave out a care package, as some do. That free toothpaste may come in handy!

13. Using too much fragrance.

Everything in moderation is a good philosophy to live by. As it turns out, too much of a good smell is just as bad. Sure, that Axe or Chanel might make you feel good but it’s not something you want to force others to smell too, especially on a long flight. Tone it down!

See Also

14. Spamming the flight attendant call button.

No one needs the flight attendants help that much. Don’t waste their time during their already hard jobs and don’t make yourself known to the rest of the cabin. They won’t like it either.

15. Yelling at the flight attendants.

You have to feel sympathy for them much of the time. Being an attendant feels like working retail in the air. Anyways, people who are rude to them can go find another seat because such an attitude is hard to swallow.

16. Not putting on seat belts.

This is a hard one to watch as well. Not just because it’s not safe, but because you know if turbulence gets bad, you’re going to have to watch out for their flailing and bouncing around. Not a fun time.

17. Drunk passengers.

Please don’t drink too much on the plane. Sure, alcohol may be fun for you but in an enclosed space in the sky, being drunk is disruptive to other passengers. Not to mention that no one wants to clean up the vomit it produces!

18. Taking off shoes/socks.

Get comfy all you want; the blankets and pillow are there for that. But this isn’t a living room. And that’s extra important if the offending passenger’s feet smell bad! Yuck! There are some things people do on airplanes that I just don’t get.

19. Complaining too much.

Yes, the food is not that good. Yes, it’s hard to see the screen from your seat. Calm down; they’ll be other flights you can get better service on. Learn from it but don’t get too worked up. It’s not the end of the world.

What are some things people do on airplanes that you can’t stand? Let us know in the comments below!
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Tyler Lederer

Hi! I'm Tyler and I'm a sophomore student at the University of Vermont. I'm an English major and I'm minoring in French and Linguistics. I'm particularly interested in reading, writing, philosophy and the natural world (although the Internet is somewhere I hang out often too).

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