An Open Letter To Our Former President, Barack Obama

Dear former President of the United States, Barack Obama,
I’m writing because I’ve been thinking a lot recently about the progress that has been made throughout the C.21st and how, through both your work with the public and your personal writings, you have been a significant figure in influencing positive change. Despite being out of the White House for nearly two years now, that impact you have had continues to be one which is visible every single day.
1. In a world increasingly rife with fresh problems
From the refugee crisis to hyperinflation, you have never been the voice which says ‘this is too big a problem to resolve’ but instead the one encouraging even the smallest action in the hope of a larger gradual positive reaction. Because of that attitude, education in the US became even more inclusive, as did health care and so many other elements of American life.
2. It is inspiring
To see that someone who has dedicated their life to representing, and better shaping their country has remained so human throughout it all. That Barack Obama is a name that instils so much pride and images of forward moving politics is a great achievement, but even greater is that it is also one that resonates with the many and remains so human.
I think it’s easy to immortalise figures of power, and to create a polarised binary between those who have it and those who do not. But this isn’t something you have ever done. From your appearence on TV talk shows to reading for school children, your ‘persona’ has always been very much one which is honest in opinion, accessible to communicate with and sometimes even open to a little humour. That a presidential figure can do so many wonderful things and still be happy to be a self-deprecatingly comical every now and then is humbling; it is evidence that we are all capable of doing similarly great things, no matter who we are.
3. Two years on, there is as always still much divide in politics.
I don’t think there will ever be something that everyone 100% agrees on and that won’t be in some way contentious. Some say we are in the middle of the darkest point of the C.21st so far and that there is no real way out. Others believe we have come further than ever but still have a long way to go.
4. But despite the mix of things going on
Bad and good alike, I am reassured by your attitude to things, Mr. Barack Obama. If we keep on giving to our communities and to ourselves the way you and your family do, I have faith that things can slowly but surely get better no matter how bad they might seem right now. A president’s job is never done, and you continue to try and make our world that little bit brighter every day which I thank you for beyond words.
I aspire to live in this way, to give and to keep on giving, because that is a life that I know I would be proud of.