An Open Letter To My Twin Sister

On February 12th, 1998 during a heavy snow storm in Ohio, I was born. 8 minutes later, you were born. Being a twin sister is a unique thing. There has always been two of us. I knew that at the beginning of every school year I would at least know one person. I knew that there was always one person who would understand me. Going into this final year of school for you I know that things are about to change. I am here to tell you what you mean to me.
We started off pretty strong – so I’m told.
When we were babies and toddlers we were supposedly inseparable. We couldn’t even sleep apart from each other (wow things have changed). As we grew up the infamous Kalteux personality kicked in and we began to fight. About everything. The fights were never very important but there were a lot of them. Despite the fighting, we made it through.
College came around and it was the first time the idea of being apart was a real one.
It crossed my mind that for the first time, I wasn’t sure if I was going to know someone at the beginning of the school year. Then we both decided to go to the same college. We were together again. Things did change though. It was the first time that your room wasn’t down the hall. It was the first time that I didn’t see you every day. Because of that, we got so much closer. We weren’t forced to spend time together or have dinner together. It actually took effort to see one another. That was two years ago.
In less than a year you will be graduating college – of course, you had to that before me.
What crossed my mind two years ago is all coming back. A year is not that far away and you are going to graduate and start your life. A life that for once isn’t shared with me. For over 20 years we have been together. We have shared a life really. It’s almost time for us to say our goodbyes. But I don’t want to say goodbye. Rather, see you later. I know things are never going to be the same but I’m not going anywhere. This life we’ve shared was an epic one and it’s been an honor, thank you twin sister.
We are the same person. We have the exact same personality.
That’s why neither one of us can ever be wrong. It’s why we could fight about literally anything. It’s why we both have such big dreams. It’s why I know you’re going to achieve those dreams. We came into this world as a duo and nothing is going to change that. Before I sign off, there are a few things I want you to know.
- I am so proud of you. We have never been ones for emotion (and don’t think that this letter changes that!) , but you have accomplished so much. I have no doubt that you will live up to your full potential.
- I love you so much twin sister. You will always have a piece of my heart forever and always.
- These past 20 years have been a roller coaster. We have achieved a lot together. You being a part of my life has made me who I am today and I can’t think of anyone else I’d rather share it with. Our days of living as twins is almost over almost but our days of being twins will never end.