
An Open Letter To My Roommates

Dear roommates!

Living together is not as easy as we previously thought it would. We face many struggles and argue about things we never did before getting a place together. It gets hard. However, today I’m not here to complain or remind you for the hundredth time today to clean your dishes. I’m not here to whine how all of you like going out more than me and how you force me to join you, because ‘no is not an answer’, even though all I want to do is to watch Netflix.

Today, I’m here to thank you.

Thank you for putting up with my crazy, unpredictable self. I will be forever grateful for you listening to me complaining about uni, essays, work and life in general. I know that it probably drives you all crazy, but I appreciate you sticking through every single one of my rants and patting me on the back.

Thank you for understanding, that sometimes I need to lock myself in my room and stay there for days. You know I like to be left alone sometimes and after making sure I’m okay, you let me do my thing. However, thank you for not letting me bury myself in my bed for too long. Forcing me to shower, dress up and go somewhere (even though I’m never up to it), really helps. I will never say it out loud, cause I’m not one to admit I’m wrong, but that usually picks me up. Makes me feel so much better again.

Thank you for not complaining about me blasting the music in the shower and watching YouTube late at night. I know these walls are paper thin and you probably all want to kill me when I’m watching Shane at 5 in the morning or having a shower party when all of you are still sound asleep.

Thank you for all the late night talks.

When we’re standing in the corridor joking and sharing thoughts. Even though we know we should finally get back to sleep or work, we just stand there for hours laughing like some crazy people.

Thank you for all the movies and drinks, for just casually storming into other person’s  room with a bottle of wine and asking ‘So what are we watching?’. For all the horror films, weird YouTube videos, comedies  and TV shows. I love how even the scariest jump scares can make us all jump and laugh at the same time.

Thank you for our karaoke nights, when we sing our favourite songs on top of our lungs in the middle of the night, with our neighbours probably plotting our murder. It’s amazing how one song can lead to an unplanned party with lots of alcohol and food just because.

Thank you for all the pranks and jokes we pull on one another, for all the screaming and laughing.

Thank you for meeting in the kitchen at 3 in the morning, because we all wanted a snack. Thank you for sitting there stuffing our faces with more food than is socially acceptable.

See Also

Thank you for all those late night walks around the city and to the beach, because we can’t sleep and need some fresh air. Thank you for making any trip to the supermarket a party, not caring that people staring at us weirdly. Thank you for never judging my cravings and my bowl of cereal half an hour after dinner just because I’m bored.

And lastly, thank you for being the best friends I could ever ask for. For being for one another whether its hangover, a flu or a break up. I will be forever grateful for every second we spend together in our small flat. I couldn’t have asked for better roommates to spend my collage life with.


The Grandma of the Flat

What do you have to say to your roommates? Tell us in the comments!

Featured Image Source:
Julita Stefaniak

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