Family Life

An Open Letter To My Mom And What She Has Done For Me

Dear Momma, this letter is to you. I Love you. How ya doing? I know you’re probably like “no this girl ain’t about to put all my business out.” Well, no, I’m not. Ha ha…I miss you. Especially when things get rough. But I’m trying to be brave, like you are. Everything’s all right so don’t go worrying about me. I’ve been really busy with school, the girls, and some other things. I’ve gotta call you and see what you’re up to. What’s been keeping you busy. If I could see you right now, I’d want to cook some goooooood food. For real, for real. Baked macaroni and cheese, corn bread, fried fish, fried chicken, greens…When you come down to visit next can we have like a Thanksgiving Pre-View? This is an open letter to my mom.

Well. I thought about how I would write this letter. Thinking that most people say the kind of things that are said on Mother’s Day. “Thank you’s” and “You’re the best’s,” and the “You have always been there’s.” That’s all right of course but you and I, we have a different story. Don’t we? One of those hard to talk about, hard to share stories. We’ve missed a lot of time you and I. And so there’s a lot of blanks where we should’ve had things to reflect on. Maybe sometimes you feel like you wish we can turn back the hands of time and do it all differently. This open letter to my mom will show just how much a mom means.

There’s a lot of things we girls need moms for. For helping us feel pretty when we look our worst. Like that time you and aunty dressed me up for a high school dance and I really looked ridiculous. Somehow ya’ll got me out of the house thinking I was the bomb. For telling us that we don’t need boyfriends to make us happy. For protecting our bodies when we fail to do so ourselves. Like that time you put me on birth control… For teaching us all the short cuts to every day life. The epic secret to boiling potatoes that I will not share! For showing us patience and how to bring joy out of the things we least want to do (I could really use some this food for thought right now). For holding us and taking the pain away when it hurts the most. Without you, I’ve had to go through some of these on my own. But this has only made me appreciate having you now even more, because I know that I need you and that there’s still so much for me to learn from you. I don’t want you to think that I accept the separation of our past. Because I don’t. You are so important to me. And you are needed. We may have this oddness or these barriers in our relationship, but they don’t keep me away from you. Building a life is tough when you go down some bumpy roads, but that doesn’t stop me from trying to get to my destination. There are many ways we will still be able to bond as mother and daughter. It will just take some time. This open letter to my mom is meant to show you how much I appreciate you.

And I will say that you are the best and only mom I could have wanted. In the short times we’ve been allowed I’ve learned so much from you. I love being around you because your energy is wonderful. It makes me calm and happy. Now all you’ve got to do is find a new home for those cats! I’m just kidding. I love your cats too. And with all that we’ve been through, I just wanted you to know I still think you’ve done the best job you could have, and that I’m not flawed or displaced by any of our history. So my thank you’s aren’t exactly like everyone else’s. I’m thanking you for trying your hardest when the world was trying to stop you. You motivate me and I love you. This open letter to my mom represents how much she has done for me.

Love you Momma,

See Also


P.S. Heres an old pic to make you smile! Don’t cry!

Which part of this open letter to my mom do you relate to with your mom? Let us know in the comments below.

Featured Image: weheartit
Ebony Girard

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