An Open Letter To My Best Friend Who Became My Boyfriend

To the guy who has my heart, thank you for being you. I’m so glad you were brought into my life, and I hope you’re around forever. I never expected to find a friend like you, let alone a boyfriend. I know with you I’m where I’m supposed to be. Here’s to you.
Every Day Is An Adventure
You make every day so exciting. I go to sleep every night looking forward to the next day I get to spend with you. The little moments add up to make something so much bigger. All the times we’re singing together in the car, belting out the lyrics to our favorite songs without a care in the world. When we go grocery shopping and you push me around in the cart, and everyone looks at us like we’re crazy but we don’t care. They say find a boyfriend who makes going to the grocery store fun. Mission accomplished.
I just looked at a picture from one of the times we went to the theme park last summer. I know you remember. For some reason, it was almost completely empty. It was the perfect night; not too hot, not too cold. We rode every ride so many times just like when we were kids. We even got our faces painted. At the end of the night, you kissed me and told me it was a night you’d remember forever. I hope you do.
The best part of that story is that I know we have so many more memories just like that. It doesn’t matter what we do, all the time we spend together is so pleasant. And I can’t wait to make so many more like that! I really don’t know how you do it.
You’re My Best Friend
We were friends first. It makes all the difference in the world. In some ways, it feels like it was just yesterday that we met, but it also somehow feels like I’ve known you all my life. We became friends when we were so young, and we grew together. Everyone says “you’re too young to know what love is” but I don’t believe that. I know what we have.
Thank you for growing with me and being a part of what makes me the woman I am today. Even though it sounds braggy, I know we really are perfect for each other. We push each other every day to become the best versions of ourselves. We understand each other. We have a lot of qualities that complement each other.
You love me in spite of all my flaws. You don’t mind when I re-fold the clothes you just folded because they weren’t perfectly lined up. You don’t complain when I ask if we can stay in instead of going out like we planned. You don’t get upset when I can’t pick out a place to eat and then just end up picking up chicken nuggets from Chick-Fil-A.
You’re So Selfless
Even when you think I don’t notice the little things, I do. You let me pick the music in the car even though we have very different tastes. You take care of my errands and chores with no complaints when I’m feeling lazy. You take such good care of me when I’m sick and you don’t care one bit if it’s contagious. You give me the best pep talks when I’m doubting myself.
Every time I want you to try a couples challenge I saw on youtube, you do it without complaining. Even though it’s something you’d never do on your own accord, you do it anyway because you know it’ll make me smile.
No matter how stressed you are with your own school work, errands, work, etc., you always make time for me. You know how much I love going to get ice cream at midnight, and you don’t mind sacrificing that time you could be using for studying (or sleeping).
I see all of these little selfless things you do. They never go unnoticed or unappreciated.
You Amaze Me
I feel like the word “amazing” is misused today, but I truly say it with it’s full, intended meaning. You truly amaze me. I could go on and on. You work so hard every day. You think you’re just a perfectionist, but you aren’t. You just do things well, and you never give up without finishing something to the best of your ability. (Okay, I guess you’re a little bit of a perfectionist.)
The way you find something you’re passionate about and put your all into it is so incredible. I have loved watching you grow in this sense over the past two years. I’ve watched your values change and become so much more. I’ve watched you try new hobbies and hate them, and I’ve watched you find some things you really love. It’s been a journey for me, watching you discover yourself. I am so glad you picked me to experience this with you.
I can’t wait to see all of the great things you do. I’ll be right by your side for all of it.
Thank You
There are not enough words to express how thankful I am for you. Thank you for all the times you’ve put up with me being cranky after I got no sleep. Thank you for the countless times you’ve held me while I cried and told me it was going to be okay. (It always was.)
Thank you for all the times you’ve helped me fight my insecurities. Thank you for having an amazing sense of humor that never fails to make me laugh. Thank you for pushing me to be the best version of myself I can be, and never letting me settle for anything less than I’m worth. Thank you for being the friend and partner I need. Thank you for just being you. Always.