An Open Letter To Coffee

Dear Coffee,
Love of my life! Nectar of Gods! You are the reason I get up in the morning. Without you, I would not be able to function. You keep me from falling asleep and being a grump toward people who deem it necessary to talk to me first thing in the morning. Every time I’m feeling down, you are right there to lift me back up. There are so many reasons to love you and be thankful that you made your way into my life.
First off, you always smell good!
The minute I walk into the room, your sweet aroma fills my senses and I instantly feel more alive. Your smell is so captivating that they’ve turned you into a candle! The rich smell of you is enough to make me want to sit in a corner of your house-brilliantly named a coffee shop-and flip through a book as I sip away on one of your many flavors. Which is another reason I love you!
Second, I love your versatility!
You are able to adapt to fit my mood in every situation. On cold winter evenings, you come in the form of hot, black, coffee, lattes and cappuccinos. On hot summer days, you turn into iced lattes and frappuccinos. When I feel the need for an extra jolt, you are there to provide me with two or three extra shots of your sweet nectar. When I need a little sweetness, you dress yourself up in vanilla, hazelnut, or a little caramel. When I need to take care of business, you become the perfect blend of bitter and chill in a cold brew. No matter how I’m feeling, you are always there to make me feel better.
Next, I can always find you no matter where I happen to be during the day.
Whether I am at the supermarket or at work, you are never more than a quick stroll away. I could bring you shopping with me or on long drives to work. You are an excellent companion, especially on trips to the bookstore. No matter where I need to be, you will always be in close proximity.
Then there is the fact that you keep me healthy.
You have plenty of antioxidants to keep my cells working and you keep my stress under control. Word on the street is you stimulate my brain and keep the depression away, so thank you coffee! You always have my back! You keep me filled with life and for that I am grateful.
Coffee to be perfectly honest with you, you’re good for my soul.
You comfort me. You help me relax. You keep me reading the books because there is no better way to enjoy a good novel than with you by my side. You also keep me socializing because there is no better conversation starter than you. My fellow coffee lovers and I love to get together and talk hours on end while we enjoy the perfect cup of java. The truth is you bring people together. You keep relationships alive.Coffee you are just the best!
Finally, if it was physically possible to marry a beverage, I’d definitely marry you.
You keep me warm on cold nights,cool on hot days and you bring me comfort. I enjoy you in all of your forms. In the words of fellow coffee lover, Lorelai Gilmore, “I’ll drink it, shoot it, eat it, snort it, whatever form it’s in gimme!” We would be the perfect match. I’m sure that as time goes on, my love and need for you will only grow stronger, Thank you for all you do to keep me alive coffee. I hope you know you are loved!
Your Biggest Fan