Waking up for morning classes will never be easy, but you can make the experience more bearable with these dorm alarm clocks from Amazon. Follow this guide to find the alarm clock that works for you and matches your dorm room aesthetic.
Nothing quite says vintage like a twin bell alarm clock. These sturdy alarms have a clean and classic design that goes with almost any dorm room aesthetic and comes in a variety of color combinations. The one drawback is that twin bell alarm clocks are a bit more difficult to set than digital ones so be sure to test the alarm out the day before just in case. Once these are set they are super reliable, and won’t be affected by power outages or any crazy technical issues. Pop in a set of batteries at the beginning of the year and forget about it! Check out this classic gold dorm alarm clock to get this aesthetic for yourself.
Not into the vintage look? Looking for a more high-tech option? This modern and mirrored look is the perfect dorm alarm clock for you. A simple and clean display without any unnecessary extras will fit in with a modern, sleek dorm room design. The opposite of the twin bell alarm clock, this design features a clean rectangular design with a mirrored front clear enough to do your make-up in. This alarm clock can show the temperature outside and has a night mode to make it easier to sleep with its LED display. It is easy to set two separate alarms for the day and comes with snooze control. The only problem this alarm clock might present is your fingers might dirty up your mirrored display when searching for the snooze button.
One of the hottest design trends right now is the mid-century modern look, so why not integrate that design with your dorm alarm clocks? Light wood tones and curved edges are what to look for in alarm clocks to help match your aesthetic. Just because the look your going for is mid-century that doesn’t mean the technology needs to be. This dorm alarm clock from floureon has the clean and crisp mid-century look combined with an alarm, smart brightness, a speaker and smart brightness. This alarm also uses a dual power supply which means you don’t have to worry about accidentally unplugging it at night.
Why not brighten your morning routine and add an interesting look for night time as well? With the seven color LED clock from Zinnon you don’t have to choose. The soft LEDs from this alarm clock circles through the colors of the rainbow and can be set to lull you to sleep or to only turn on when you touch it. In addition to the party lights, this clock has a bunch of practical functions like showing the date and temperature, as well as being a great alarm.
Sometimes the best look for dorm alarm clocks is a simple one. Don’t complicate the alarm clock with this simple and clean dark wood square. All you really need to know is what the current time is and with a simple display and battery backup, this alarm clock is no-nonsense making it match basically any dorm room style you go for. If you want an even more minimalist look you can use voice control to make the LED display turn on and off. If you really wanted it to your alarm clock could be completely blank.
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