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Amazing Workout Apps You Won’t Regret Downloading

Amazing Workout Apps You Won’t Regret Downloading

Workout apps are a great way to track your workouts and motivate yourself to get one in. Here are some great options if you are on the lookout for a new one to download to assist you in your health and fitness journey!

1. Workout for Women Fitness App

One of my personal favorite workout apps is the Workouts For Women app, which is available on Android and Apple devices. This app is loaded with workouts specifically created with women in mind and even ask you questions upon downloading to curate workouts to your needs. If you are experienced with working out you can skip the short questionnaire and get to your first workout, but I found it rather helpful. In the questionnaire, you choose your fitness goals such as get stronger and relieve stress as well as how often you workout and your age, height, and weight. Once you have filled out this questionnaire, it generates workouts for you that will help you to reach your specific goals. I think this is such a great feature and really personalizes the experience of using the app! The workouts range from HIIT workouts to exercises to work specific parts of the body such as legs and core. You can also search for workouts by clicking through the categories or by typing what you are looking for into the search bar above said categories. This is honestly one of the easiest workout apps I have ever used and I love that the workouts are curated and quick! Most of the workouts range from seven to seventeen minutes, which means you can easily fit a workout into your busy schedule with this app. My top workouts on the app are 7M Abs, Bikini Body, and Beginner Yoga. This app is completely free to use, but you can also pay extra to have multi-week workout programs created just for you by a professional trainer!


2. Nike Training Club

Next on the list is probably one of the most popular workout apps, Nike Training Club. Nike is one of the most popular brands to get your workout clothing and training shoes from, but now they have also created a workout app! The app offers at-home workouts for beginners and advanced, workout programs that are taught by trainers, wellness guidance from health experts, classes that you would normally take in a studio such as yoga, and what they call “whiteboard workouts” which gives you training for the gym. There are so many workout options on this app that there is sure to be something you will enjoy! This app is great for times like now when most gyms are closed due to the virus because they have workouts specifically designed to be done at home with limited equipment.  The reviews for this app are stellar, as it has a 4.9-star rating on the app store. Their premium workout content is currently free for all users, so you have access to every single workout they offer free of charge! This is definitely one to look into!

3. Sworkit Fitness And Workout App

I have used this next workout app off and on for years! Sworkit is such a great app, that is similar to the Workouts for Women app, however, it is not specifically geared towards women. This app asks you why you downloaded it, including reasons such as daily workouts, injury recovery, and pre/postnatal workouts, and a few other things to help recommend workouts for you. There are plans that you can pay for that start $59.99 per month. You can set daily reminders so that you get notifications to workout as well as track your days worked out on the activity log. I think these features are such a huge help when it comes to increasing motivation to workout because you want to see that workout streak increase. The workouts are separated into these categories: strength, cardio, yoga, stretching, kid workouts, quiet home workouts, sports conditioning, barre workouts, older adult workouts, and many more! There are so many different types of workouts to choose from and you can switch it up every single day if you feel like it. I love that there are guided stretching sessions available because it is so important to stretch before and after a workout, as well as throughout the day. I can get quite lazy when it comes to this and figuring out what stretches to do, but this app makes it so easy! These are just some of the stretch sessions that you can do on the app: head to toe warm-up stretch, back strengthening, nighttime stretch, morning stretch, and quick stretch break. While you do have to pay for this one, as opposed to the other workout apps I have mentioned, if you can afford it and are serious about your fitness then I highly recommend downloading this one. Pro-tip: you can also try a free trial of the app for a week to see if you want to invest in these workout plans! 

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4. Gymshark Gym Workout Planner

Last on this list of workout apps that you will not regret downloading is the Gymshark Workout Planner app. Gym Shark is a very popular brand that sells workout clothing and accessories that is based in Britain. This workout app is unique because it allows you to plan and follow your own workouts, get advice from pro trainers, remind yourself how to do certain exercises in good form by taking notes on specific workouts, learn to lift weights safely and correctly, and share your progress with the community on the app as well as your social media accounts. Once you download the app it asks you to quickly create an account and answer a few simple questions similar to the other apps. The workout plans can be designed for you to do at home, which is perfect for those of you who cannot get into the gym right now due to the pandemic, or in a gym if yours is open. There are five, three, and even one-day workout plans that you can follow to keep you motivated and on track with your goals. Before you start every single workout it shows you exactly which exercises will be in the workout so that you know what you are getting into as well as any equipment you will need to complete it. I love how customizable this app makes your fitness journey and the access to professionals is so helpful! I would highly recommend this app specifically if you want to get into weight lifting and do not know where to begin. From playing around with it, it looks like everything is completely free, which is super awesome! Check this one out for a great variety of workouts from knowledgeable athletes! 


These workout apps have pre-planned workouts or can connect you with someone to help you create your own! What are your favorite workout apps to track your progress and get moving? Let us know in the comments! 
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