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6 Amazing Proposal Ideas To Take Notes From

6 Amazing Proposal Ideas To Take Notes From

Social media shows us the best moments of each others lives, so there have been a lot of proposals posted to make us envious of the romance in their lives. But we don’t have to be envious, rather we can learn from their ideas and make them better. More tailored to our own relationship. 

A proposal doesn’t have to be up in a hot air balloon or on a gondola in Venice, it can be just as romantic in your own house. Here’s how. 

1. Hijack Their Favourite Thing

Make it personal to them. Make the proposal something that they would love. Not just a generic proposal you saw some else do, think of their most favourite thing and make the proposal all about that. 


They absolutely adore Harry Potter, convert a snitch into the ring box like below. It’s something they can keep forever and it’ll be the best thing they’ve ever seen. 

They’re a huge nerd that loves Pokemon then put the ring inside a Pokeball. Or a Tardis box. Or a princess carriage. 

You can do anything with a bit of imagination. 


Of course it doesn’t have to be the ring box that is their favourite thing, you can make the whole proposal their favourite thing. Take them to their favourite spot on the planet where they always feel at peace, and lay down a blanket.

Or do your favourite sport together, even go ice skating but just be careful not to slip while you’re down on one knee. We want a graceful proposal, not one that ends up on You’ve Been Framed.


2. Photos

This is the biggest note you can take from every single of these proposals. Photos! A photo has been taken of every single of them, otherwise how would you be seeing it. And taking a photo of the special moment will be the best thing you can give your partner. 

They’ll always remember the proposal, but they want to be able to see it. To show it off to others. So make sure you have someone there taking a picture for you. 

You can have someone hidden away in the trees like below, it looks creepy yes but that couple can always see the best moment of their lives in a picture frame now. Or you could trick the person you’re proposing to in a elaborate set up.


You stage it as a normal photoshoot, say you’re just wanting to take pictures together for something to hang up on the walls of your house. So you go to a studio, you’re both dressed nicely this way and have your hair done looking at your best. Then the photographer has you turn back to back in a James Bond pose, then you have a series of photos of their reaction as they turn back round. 

Could even have a video being shot as well.

Perfect proposal and the perfect photos to match.


3. Dogs and Children 

If you have a dog or children together then use them! Who is ever going to turn down a dog that has such a cute message written on them. 

They get to be proposed to with what they love most in the world. 


They are the cutest proposals, but possibly the ones with the most potential to go wrong if your dog runs away with the sign on them or your child is disobedient. Be sure to have them trained so it goes well. 

4. Book Carving 

I’m a book lover so I feel that there is a certain romance behind this proposal idea. Just be careful that they won’t be upset at you for damaging books.


You could either buy a copy of the book they are currently reading and replace with when they don’t notice, next time they are reading they are shocked to find a ring and your proposal. You just need to make sure you are around when they are reading it next.

Or a more fool proof plan is you give them a gift as a present, you could just say that you thought they’d like it and they’ll be touched already that you were thinking of them. You could say you’ve written a message inside for them so when they open the book up they find the ring and perhaps some highlighted words from the background page that share your feelings.

See Also
If you have been trying to get the attention of the person you like, these are the proven ways to make someone fall for you!


If you want to cheat you could use a poetry book to express your feelings. Or you could write your own speech.

5. Scavenger Hunt 

This is a fun proposal idea. Take clues and pictures and set them out at places you two share together. Send them off on a hunt saying there’s a present at the end and when they finally figure out all the clues they’ll find you in a romantic setting ready to give them the best speech of your life.


The clues can be all memories you share together so they are reminded of all your best times together before they say yes. 

Proposals are always over so quickly, you ask ‘will you marry me’ and then you hug and kiss and it’s over. A scavenger hunt keeps the proposal lasting for as long as you like, depending on how many clues you’ve set out. 


6. Hidden Message 

I like these proposals best because its right there but they’ve been oblivious. It’s a funny way of doing it, romance doesn’t always mean rose petals and candles.

Doing it like these people have on Splash Mountain is amazing because they have included their closest friends or family in the picture and it’ll be a day to remember. Plus they have a picture to always have, showing the kids a picture like that will always be great. 

There are also proposals where the one proposing has taken multiple pictures with a note saying ‘I’m going to ask you to marry me and you have no idea’ while the girlfriend has been walking around doing normal things in the pictures. When he finally proposed he showed her all these pictures. Its overwhelming but also funny that this could be going on without you realising. 


I feel like this is a new level of romance. Planned out romance.

Good luck with your own proposal, and I hope the notes presented here have been useful. As long as you remember to have someone there to take the photo of it happening and you do it in a way that they love you’ll get the yes you’re hoping for. 

Comment below your own proposal stories, did they do it in a similar way to these or do you have even better stories? How important do you think photos are of the big moment?

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