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Amazing 10 Step Skin Care Routine For That Smooth Natural Look

Amazing 10 Step Skin Care Routine For That Smooth Natural Look

Maintaining your skins healthy-smooth texture can be difficult, but certainly not impossible.

If your like me, waking up to simples, peach fuzz, acne scars, and/or dark spots can be a real pain. You don’t feel attractive, and of course, your self esteem takes a good hit because of it. While there are people who can effortlessly keep their skin blemish free with nothing but a little soap and water, I would argue that it is still important to routinely cleanse your skin with proper care and attention not only for the sake of proper hygiene, but to also prevent wrinkles and further damage.

Yes, it can tedious consistently having to stick to a seemingly pointless routine, as results are not always instantaneous, not to mention visible in some cases, however I can guarantee you that your skin will ultimately thank you in the long run!


Here is an amazing 10 step skin care routine for keeping your skin happy and healthy!

1. Oil Cleansers

Oil cleansers remove any excess makeup or oil-based products you may have applied at the start of your day. Unfortunately, it’s believed that facial wipes alone will rid your skin of any unwanted debris, but all they really do is temporarily masks the underlining dirt and grime you unknowingly collect through out the day.

Taking a few minutes to massage your face with the proper cleanser will stimulate the surface of your skin and prepare it for the products you are about to apply – think of it as the first base to your 10 step skin care procedure – and when finished, you will leave your skin feeling hydrated, refreshed, and extremely soft. I also recommend that you rinse your sensitive skin with lukewarm water rather than hot to avoid any dryness and irritation.


 2. Foam Cleanser

That’s right! There’s a second part to your cleansing step!

Believe it or not, oil cleansing alone isn’t enough, even if your skin feels like it is. Water-based cleansers will break down hidden impurities such as sweat and dirt, thoroughly scrubbing out what was left behind by your previous cleans. However, foam cleansers, unlike oils, tend to dry out your skin after usage if not done properly – meaning, that tight feeling you get after scrubbing in that soapy goodness deep into your skin? It doesn’t mean your skin’s clean, in fact, your skin is instead telling you that it’s actually miserable

The reason foam based cleansers make your skin tight is because they throw off your Ph balance, especially when you use more than one round of it. To appropriate how much you use and how you use it, slightly wet your hands and face before preparing the cleaner. To prepare, pump enough product into your wet palm and mix it together until you are given that foamy consistency. Finally, apply the cleanser to your face, however, do not use your hands, and instead use a facial scrub to gently go over your skin in small, circular motions. This way you won’t be rubbing in any excess impurities your palms might contain.


 3. Rose Water Toner

Toners reduce the appearance of pores and balance out your skins Ph, which is why it’s important to apply some right after you finish using your foaming cleanser. Rose water toner in particular packs a more hydrating punch then your average toners, not to mention it reduces redness, treats infections, and contains antioxidants (which strengthens your skin to protect from future damage.

Rose water also treats mild acne, eczema, psoriasis, and dry flaky skin. Overall, this is a natural toner that will guarantee you better skin no matter the type.

 4. Essence

Some refer to essence as a second layer to toner. With it’s watery consistency, this product will penetrate your skin at a deeper level, while also aiding the absorption of any additional products used for your skin care routine.


Containing active and hydrating ingredients, essence have a similar benefit to serums, which lower molecular weight more so then daily creams. The more you apply, the dewier your natural look will be, so if you already have oily to neutral prone skin, it would be best  to use a little at a time to still maintain well hydrated skin, and collect he products useful, well formulated ingredients.

5. Emulation

And we have a third layer of moister to add on! If you want “glassy skin” you have to work for it, which would mean drinking a lot of water, exercising, eating all the right foods, and of course adding an additional 30 seconds of skin care to apply proper emulation.

What is emulation you ask? Well, it is a layer that can be a bit more vicious than the previous two products, containing extra botanical extracts and other power packing ingredients such as polysorbate 60, cetearyl alcohol, and glyceryl stearate. Unfortunately, not all emulations work the same way. While it may feel thinner and lighter than typical facial creams, emulations may be a bit greasier for those with oilier skin, but not to worry! Emulations are reserved for all skin types!


6. Serum

Feeling a little bit overwhelmed? If so, thankfully this next step is a lot let less taxing then the previous ones. However, if you think your skin has already had enough for now, then there is absolutely no harm in skipping the next three steps to completing your skin care routine.

That being said: there are many types of skin serums, and depending on the type of skin you have can determine what type of serum or serum’s you would want to use. For example, I have acne prone oily skin, and I use a serum that contains pure vitamin E oil to reduce those pesky pimples and treat acne scars. Other forms of serums can help keep away wrinkles for the future, diminish discoloration, avoid post inflammatory hyperpigmentation, etc. All in all, once you decide what type of serum you want to use, all you have to do is carefully place two drops on each cheek and rub it in!


A fun bonus about using serums, you can apply it using a facial roller to get circulate the blood flow, which will also contribute to healthier and wrinkle free skin in the future. Your never too young to start using serums after all!

7. Sheet Mask

Similar to how you would choose your serums, finding the right facial mask to make up your daily skin care routine all depends on what formulas mix well with your skin type.


They usually take 15-20 minutes and can be done as frequently or infrequently as you like. Sheet masks are usually coated in serums, so yeah, another layer! However, not all sheet masks are alike, as some are made to treat sin irritation, acne, pluck out unwanted hairs, or simply to keep your skin well hydrated and smooth. Absolutely do NOT rinse your face after peeling it off, instead let your skin absorb the product left behind by gently rubbing it in with your fingers (you can also use the facial roller as well for this step)

Do not use the same mask more than once!

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8. Under Eye Cream

Alas, we finally reach the creams! A step I personally find very satisfying!

Under eye cream is considered to be one of the hardest products to use consistently, mainly because when you’re under the age of 40 you don’t necessarily see a difference when using it. However, as does the rest of this unique skin care routine, it will all pay off eventually, so remember to hang in there!


To apply, use your ring finger to scoop up the right amount of product before dabbing it a little at a time under the eyes. On colder months, feel free to layer on a little more product to keep the sensitive skin from drying out.

9. Moisturizer

Now it’s time to finally seal down our work! With more moisturizer no less!


As a part of your skin care routine, adding a thick layer of cream can sound a bit intimidating for some, especially for those with oilier skin, but as previously mentioned, you may also skip this step if you feel like your skin has had enough. However, think of this step as if your locking down all of your hard work, keeping everything intact and well preserved through out the day.

There are hundreds of facial creams to choose from, and yes, it can be a pain finding one specifically works well for your skin type. Because of all the layering you have previously done for your face, apply a thin layer of moisturizer to finish everything up.



10. SPF/Night Cream

You have slathered your face with creams, serums, toners, and cleansers – so, ready to complete the final step?

If your up and ready to start your day, apply an even amount of SPF cream to your face to protect your skin from sun exposure. SPF is a form of sunscreen that minimizes the penetration of UVA rays, reducing your chances of obtaining any skin disorders. Its also great for reducing irritation and natural oils. Note: you should apply SPF cream regularly every morning, even if you can’t visibly see the sun.


Night cream on the other hand is to be used… well, at night. Doing so will aid your skin as you sleep, lending a hand in making repairs while adding the extra layer of moister (your skin can get very dry at night due to the drop in temperature). It might not be much, but it is very affective if you want to wake up feeling refreshed and more confident than ever before!

How you do you keep up with your skin care routine? Do you see a difference in your skin? Leave a comment down below and tell us all about it!