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6 Questions About Retinol Answered

6 Questions About Retinol Answered

You've seen it online, read about it in magazines, and spotted it on shelves. Here are 6 questions you have about retinol answered.

Retinol has recently surged as a must-have, and it seems as though all major beauty brands have found a way to work it into their skincare lines. Before you run out to the stores to scoop up your own bottle of magic, there are a few things you should know. Here are 6 of your questions about retinol, answered.

1. What is retinol?

Retinol is actually just a different name for Vitamin A1, which is the most usable form of Vitamin A. Tons of foods you are probably eating every day are rich in Vitamin A, like poultry and dairy. (So feel free to say eating cheese is a part of your skincare regimen.)

2. What does it do?

Think of retinol as the holy grail of skincare ingredients; it can solve pretty much any skin problem imaginable. Dermatologists love this stuff for the way it diminishes and prevents wrinkles, evens out your skin tone, unclogs pores, and tightens up your face.


3. How does retinol work?

Retinol promotes cell turnover, which leads to magical results like elastin production, collagen stimulation, and the fading of any hyperpigmentation. Basically, you will feel like a glowing goddess.

4. How often should I use it?

This stuff is heavy duty, so the general rule of thumb is to definitely start smaller. If you use too much or try a stronger product to start, your skin will probably get super irritated. (Check out this handy guide on how to apply retinol so your skin doesn’t peel off your face like mine did. RIP.)

5. Which product should I buy?

The industry is constantly finding new ways to sneak this magical ingredient into their products now, so it’s a little tricky to figure out which one is best for you. I personally like a BB cream or a tinted moisturizer that contains retinol. Do some browsing online before buying, too. Some creams are over $100, so you’re going to want to find one that is great for your face and your bank account.

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6. Is it right for me?

While it seems like everyone and their mother (and grandmother) are using retinol, it isn’t always going to be the perfect fit. If you’re wondering if it’s right for you, find a gentler product and test it out on your arm before applying it to your face. And, of course, you can always ask your doc!

What is your skincare go-to? Leave your tips down below in the comments!
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