Life can be hard for anyone and everyone at times. Things, people, situations and other factors can overwhelm us to the point we lose sight of our goals. In the storm of life it is also possible to lose sigh of ourselves. I’ve been there a few times in life, after the death of my grandmother, father and uncle. I just felt lost. Remembering who we are as individuals means alot as we navigate life’s test for us. Life is not always fair like we would hope and this affects our thoughts when we start to ponder on the negative.
Affirmations help bring us back to who we are with words. When life gets hard, we tend to revert back to a certain thinking pattern. The repetition of positive sayings helps our mind set a new default pattern. With these list of affirmations, you are sure to have some positivity to help get you through whatever you need to!
This affirmation can help ease the anxiety of uncertainty. Not knowing what to expect next is a worry sometimes in our lives. When facing a person or situation you can not calculate and move accordingly with, it can make the mind race.
However, trust is key to believing that whatever happens will be for your good. In these situations we only can control ourselves, it starts with mastering your mind. Being aware of what’s in your reach is important so you won’t over stretch yourself, causing more pain. Whatever that is in your reach do your best to control it and let the rest fall into place.
This affirmation will help you if you are sensitive about your work ethic, like me. I take alot of pride in working hard and being productive! The downside to that is the part of attaching my self worth to my work. Work looks different for all of us; a work title can be a student, batista, editor, and so many other titles. Its important to note that we are people outside of those things.
Are successes are great! Achieving goals and progressing to the next level is awesome! It’s just the remembering of self identification without those things. If you fail an exam, its ok. A relationship didn’t work out, its ok. In life you will win some and you will lose some, but getting back up is the key. Life is constantly evolving and in different seasons there are wins and losses. Keeping track of who you are outside of those changes will ground you in good soil!
Ever heard the saying “seeing is believing” ? I have quite a bit growing up. This affirmation jumps off of that one in a more conscious way. Our ideas, thoughts, plans and actions all are born in our mind. We see what we want to make happen and then proceed to do the necessary actions or not.
It can be intimidating when you are chasing an idea that only your brain can see. Don’t be alarmed, lots of great people started with an idea that no one believed in or could fathom. Dream chasing is exactly what it sounds like and it is very rare two people experience the same dream in their sleep. Take this affirmation and apply it to whatever dream you want to see become a reality.
This affirmation hits home for me! I’ve had times where I did not feel either of these things about myself. After a break up, losing a family member, dropping out of school and other situations, it took a dive on my self esteem. I can imagine many people feeling the same way. This can wear and tear on your self esteem and take you to a place that’s not the best.
I’ll admit, it sounds a bit cliché but this affirmation packs power. When losing confidence in ourselves, it trickles down to other parts of our lives. We all experience different situations that puts us in the unworthy or not beautiful mind frame. I am here to tell you! Yes, you! That you are most certainly, without a doubt, beautiful and worthy! Whatever that has taken place is not for you to be yourself up about. It surely does not reflect the value and beauty of your existence. Saying this affirmation everyday will revive that part of you you’ve been missing.
Moments in this life are like snowflakes! From far away some moments look identical but up close they are not exactly the same! This affirmation helps to remind you to enjoy life’s moments always. With the hustle and bustle of everyday life, some days can run one in the same in our eyes.
That leaves us ignoring the unique quality about the day. On the way to work at the same time everyday can be predictable, but there is always a new detail on the drive. There might be a new person who is at the bus stop or a new shop that opened. These details are an example but they are different qualities in our day to ground us in our thinking. You will never have that exact moment in time back. Its a great experience stating this affirmation because you’ll see life in a different lens!
When life gets tough and thoughts start to run a million miles per minute, remember you have control. Your mind is yours all on your own. Nothing can stay or leave without your permission. I’ve gone through my fair share of ups and downs, I’ve learned mastering your mind is key.
Troubles are inevitable in life but the way we handle them is where our power lives. Focus your mind on thoughts that will help you and challenge the negativity. Life can be a strict teacher but the lessons we learn are priceless!
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