12 Adventurous Date Ideas For You And Your Partner

If you’re running out of fun, spontaneous date ideas for you and your partner to do, you’ve come to the right place! This list of 12 adventurous date ideas includes something for everybody. Take notes as you go through the list and start planning your next exciting outing with your person!
1. Salsa Dancing
A great way for you and your partner to put yourselves out there is to go salsa dancing! Many clubs host salsa nights, so you won’t be the only ones on the dance floor. Additionally, many places also host salsa dance lessons, so you and your partner can learn something new! Travel to a new city, get a hotel room for the night, and learn how to salsa! If you enjoy moving your body, this is the perfect date idea to add to your list.
2. Paint and Sip
Even if you and/or your partner don’t consider yourselves artists, you can still partake in a paint and sip session! You are bound to find one of these events in your city – Google is your best friend when it comes to finding the next session. Even if you can’t find one, you can always create your own paint and sip! Just grab your favorite bottle of wine and some easels. Make it interesting by trying to paint the other person. This is a fun way for both of you to get creative.
3. Map Darts
If you want to push the spontaneity factor all the way to 100%, get a large map of the world, close your eyes, and throw a dart! Wherever the dart lands is where you and your partner must go. Explore a new city, or even a new country if you have the means, and go into it blindly! Book an Airbnb or hotel wherever the dart lands and stay for a few nights. You can both immerse yourselves in a new culture and find some interesting events happening throughout the city that your dart lands on.
4. Topgolf
Are you and your partner competitive spirits? Take a trip to Topgolf and keep track of your score! Topgolf is a fun golfing arena where you hit your balls into a large outfield and the score is automatically generated for you. Additionally, Topgolf includes a wide variety of food and drink options along with an outdoor patio, making this place a double whammy for satisfying your cravings and providing you with a fun activity.
5. Thrifting
Thrifting is a cheap and sustainable method of shopping that you and your partner can enjoy. Simply search for thrift shops around your city and go on a shopping spree! To make it interesting, you and your partner can pick out outfits for each other, and whoever makes the best pick wins! Grab some coffee and spend your time styling your partner. This is a great date idea for those who are on a budget as well.
6. Mountain Picnic
If you and your partner enjoy hiking and getting physical, consider a mountain picnic! Pack a bag full of picnic essentials – a blanket, your favorite foods, and a bottle of wine. Strap it to your back and find the nearest mountain with a gorgeous view. Hike all the way to the top just before sunrise or sunset, lay your blanket out, and enjoy a beautiful picnic. Consider bringing an intimate card game along to really spice up the date. Burn those calories and enjoy spending time with your partner while doing it.
7. Drive-In Movie
Drive-in movies are an amazing alternative to any regular movie theater. Just park your car, pop open the trunk, and get cozy with your partner in the back while enjoying a film! If you’re anything like me and my partner, you may like to create your own theories as the movie plays, so consider a drive-in movie to talk as much as you’d like. You can also bring your own snacks (even though most of us tend to do this already… lol) so you’d be saving money at the same time.
8. Drag Bar
Many bars host drag nights, so consider going to the bar during one of these events! Experience fun outfits, dancing, singing, and music. You and your partner are bound to have a blast by attending a drag bar. Livelier than your average bar experience, you’ll never find yourself bored or wanting to go home early while experiencing this!
9. Bike Rides
Adding onto the physical side of things, consider going on a bike ride with your partner! Even if you don’t own a bike, you and your partner can go easily rent them. This is an especially fun activity for you to do while exploring a new city. Without planning out a specific route, you and your partner can ride around and see where the city takes you! Experience new sights, shops, and food by hopping on a bike and watching the sun set.
10. Psychic Reading
One of the most unique date ideas on the list, a psychic reading is a fun way to get intimate with your partner. Find the closest psychic near you and have them read your palms or pick some tarot cards. I have a friend who got a reading done with her husband, and the psychic told her that they’d tried to be together in many lives before, and this is the life where they finally got it right. Uncover some interesting theories about your relationship by partaking in this! Even if you’re skeptical about psychics, you and your partner can still get a good laugh out of this.
11. Roller Skating
Go to the nearest skating arena and roller skate with your partner! Even if you don’t know how to skate, this is a fun way to try something new with your partner. Hold hands and take the fall together. By the end of the night, you’re bound to learn how to balance yourself with the help of your partner. Another great way to participate in this date is to get your own skates and skate around the city with your partner. See some new sights and explore places you’ve never been before!
12. Theme Park
Theme parks are always a great date idea for any couple! If you’re scared of heights and rollercoasters, you can still hop on the kitty rides with your partner. Or, if you’re anything like me, you’ll want to get the front row seat on the scariest rides in the park! Theme parks have everything you need – food, drinks, and fun. You can even attend a smaller traveling carnival near your town if that’s more your speed. Regardless, anything involving thrilling rides is bound to be a fun time.
Which of these date ideas will you be going on with your partner? Can you think of more adventurous date ideas? Leave a comment and let us know!
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Sarah is a recent Virginia Tech graduate with a Bachelors in Creative Writing and Psychology.