Adventures To Take With Your Best Friend

Having a best friend is like having a five-dollar bill in your pocket that you never knew you needed to pay to get into a bar. That simile sounded a lot better in my head. Anyways, you get the point. Having a best friend to share your life with is the greatest. Just imagine what would happen if you and your best friend went on an adventure together. It would make your friendship that much more amazing. Now, instead of telling you how great it is to go on adventures with your best friend, let me show it to you. Maybe then, you will see how adventures can make unforgettable moments, memories that you share with your best friend.
1. Beach
The beach, alone, is the place where multiple awesome memories, can, and are created. But what if you went to the place of the sea with your best friend? Perfection! I can think of nothing better. The sound of the waves’ crash, the feel of the wind tugging at my hair, warm sand, and a happy Sun. The only thing that could make that day more ideal is spending it with your best friend.
Beach days are how my best friend, Rachel, and I like to spend our vacation days together. We have been to some of the West Coast’s best shorelines: San Francisco, Oceanside, Monterey, even Half Moon Bay. We have countless commemorating pictures of those trips. Some are irreplaceable, and some are unforgettable, having captured our best idiotic moments together. My advice is that if you have not yet taken a trip to the beach with your best friend, do it. Whether it is for a day or an entire weekend. I promise you will not regret it. Not for a moment.
2. City
Walking through the city, seeing the busy streets and the always-in-a-hurry people, is something I tend to enjoy. Even better is the nightlife of the city. Live music fills up the pier and streets, stage productions take the show, nightclubs and bars are packing, and beaches are left alone under the moon. The city lights up with twinkling string lights intertwining and wrapping throughout the city. Not to mention its people are coming out to live and dance the night away. The city is a place to explore and have fun. Every time I visit the city, I take Rachel.
We generally start our morning off at the crack of dawn. Before we do anything else, we get coffee. We never go anywhere without first having our coffee, especially the city. Once we arrive in the large town, we set forth on our adventures. Whether it is hiking across town to seek the secret garden steps, climbing to the top of Coit Tower, getting dizzy on Lombard Street, enjoying a cup of coffee with the seals at Pier 39, or taking the wrong turn walking to The Palace of Fine Arts. We make full use of our days to the city. They have become one of our most favorite ways to spend time with one another. Besides, it is not like we could ever run out of things to do in the city. I do not think anyone can unless of course, you live in it. If you have not yet taken a day trip to the city with your best friend, do it. I promise it will fill up with lots of sightseeing, breathtaking moments (literally), and countless laughs.
3. Hiking
Hiking in itself is an adventure. You do not always know where you are going to end up: at the top of the peak, which is where you wanted to end up, or somewhere in between your destination and a pack of coyotes. Tip for the future: stay on the trail. When you are hiking alone, things can get nerve-racking and scary. However, if you take your best friend with you, things will seem lighter and less tense.
I had been on plenty of hikes before I met Rachel, and yes, sometimes I did veer off the trail a bit. However, since we became best friends, whenever the other wanted to go hiking, we went together. Sometimes we managed to reach our destination, and sometimes we went off the trail. We always found our way back, somehow, but even when we got lost or did not know how to get back, we made some amazing memories while on that hike. Some were of one of us singing a Disney Channel song because they did not know what else to do, and some of them were of one of us trying to pass the time by telling bad puns. Either way, I would redo those hiking adventures because they were unforgettable.
4. Snowboarding
Snowboarding is quite an adventure to take. trust me when I say you will fall, roll, and go home with more bruises than you anticipated. But man, it is it a ride you need to get on.
During one of our spring breaks, Rachel approached me with the idea of going snowboarding. She stated that it was a package special and that lessons were included. Why not? I like trying new things, so of course, I was stoked to learn how to snowboard with my best friend, nonetheless. Who, I forgot to mention, has a terrible sense of balance. The day came sooner than expected. We packed up the car and headed to the Snowbowl, up in Flagstaff. I will save you the trouble of explaining how many times we fell and rolled down the snowy slope, and how silly we looked compared to the 10-year-old that were snowboarding, up there. However, though we went home with more bruises than we could count, I would not trade that day for the world. That day we spent snowboarding, was the first adventure Rachel and I took together. Since that day during Spring Break, we have made it an every-year thing to go on a minimum of three adventures together. We tend to do way more than that, though.
5. Road Trip
Now, the adventure that will never cease to build, and deepen the roots of your friendship with your best friend, is a road trip. It does not have to be a road trip to somewhere extravagant, like Los Angeles, New York, or Las Vegas. It could be somewhere simple, like a grocery store, a park, or a lake. Some of the simplest places to go, turn out to make the best memories. Whether it is playing Marco Polo in the store because you cannot find each other or acting like a couple while at the movie theater. Just because you can. Never underestimate the adventure of a simple road trip. You never know the places you will go, the sights you will see, or the laughter and memories you will share.
What types of adventures have you and your best friend gone on? Let us know in the comments below.
"Writing, to me, is simply thinking through my fingers."