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10 Adorable St. Patrick’s Day Accessories

10 Adorable St. Patrick’s Day Accessories

I absolutely love when St. Patrick’s Day rolls around every year! It’s truly a fun day filled with harmless pranks, drinking, and having a good time. Although I’m not one of those people who are into bar hopping on St. Patrick’s Day, I barely even drink to begin with, I still have fun nonetheless. When I was a kid, I always looked forward to St. Patrick’s Day, especially if it fell on a school day; it’d be a lot of fun to pinch those friends who’d forget to wear green! I would find my craziest green clothes, and beg my mom to take me to Claire’s, as I knew they would be loaded with St. Patty’s Day accessories. I remember buying this fun neon green hairpiece scrunchie that had pretty long braids coming out of it with little shamrocks attached. It was my favorite thing, in fact, I believe I still have it somewhere at my parent’s house. Now as an adult, I still partake in St. Patrick’s Day, but on a much more demure level. I still dress in green of course, with a few accessories here and there, but I never go out to bars to celebrate the night away. Instead, I hang out with my hubby, and we’ll stay in and watch one of my favorite childhood Disney Channel Original Movies, The Luck of the Irish. It’s simple, but I thoroughly enjoy it. If you love St. Patty’s Day as much as I do, here are ten adorable accessories to help get you in the Irish spirit!

1. Abalone Shell Earrings

Alright, hands down, these are some of the most beautiful earrings I’ve seen in a long while! I love when natural elements are used to make jewelry. These St. Patrick’s Day earrings from Kohl’s feature abalone shell in the shape of shamrocks. Abalone shell is gorgeous, and can easily take on the color of green, blue, and even pink hues; they’re extremely iridescent. I have a few stunning abalone shells around my apartment. For those who want to celebrate in a subtler way, then these cute earrings would make a wonderful St. Patty’s Day accessory. 


2. Shamrock Costume 

I can honestly say that if my mom would’ve let me wear something like this to school as a kid, I definitely would have! This shamrock costume from Amazon is a fun and silly way to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day in style. My favorite part of this costume is the green and white striped socks with two little shamrocks at the top. I’d probably wear these socks around the house even if it wasn’t St. Patty’s Day. The green tulle skirt and matching flower headband are also adorable accessories, and complete this costume perfectly! If you enjoy going to parties or out to bars on St. Patrick’s Day, then this costume is definitely for you! 

3. Claddagh Bangle 

Two of my most treasured pieces of jewelry, are my Claddagh necklace I received from my mother as a child, and my Claddagh ring I received from my husband for our one-year dating anniversary. Both are completely gorgeous. This charming Claddagh bangle from Kohl’s features a simple Claddagh in the center, surrounded by emerald and light green stones, along with two silver shamrocks. One of the things that I love about this bracelet, is how you can wear the Claddagh with the heart pointing outward or toward you. If it’s worn on the right hand, and the heart is pointing outward, it means that your heart is still open. If it’s worn on the left hand, and the heart is pointing toward you, it means you are taken or married. This St. Patrick’s Day accessory is simply delightful! 


4. Shamrock Glasses 

I actually had to laugh a little bit when I first saw these green shades from Amazon. I honestly never would’ve thought to make sunglasses in the shape of shamrocks. I’d probably wear these even if it wasn’t St. Patrick’s Day; it’d be a great conversation starter! I’m joking of course, I don’t think I’d wear these sunglasses outside of St. Patty’s Day or a Halloween party. I’d be far too embarrassed ha. These shamrock shades are an awesome St. Patrick’s Day accessory that’ll have you seeing green all day long!

5. Lucky T-Shirt 

I don’t think I own a single t-shirt that is St. Patrick’s Day themed, which I find to be very strange. Perhaps I just never sought them out? I do, however, own a pair of leggings that are white, emerald, and lime green striped with little shamrocks here and there. I couldn’t resist when I saw them at Kohl’s last year. Speaking of which, here is a lovely St. Patrick’s Day t-shirt from Kohl’s with the words Lucky Lass written in a fun cursive. Naturally, this shirt also has a shamrock on it; I feel like this is the main symbol for St. Patty’s Day. I will say that this shirt would look awesome if you’d pair it with some green leggings. Plus, there’s absolutely no fear of getting pinched with this t-shirt! 


6. Lucky Cap 

Normally, I’m not the biggest fan of ball caps, as I feel like I don’t look very good in them. But for those of you who can rock one, then this St. Patrick’s Day themed cap is for you! This trucker cap from Amazon features a bright neon green shamrock with a banner going across it that says Lucky. One of the things that I like about this hat is how the bill is a dark forest green, along with the back panels, while the front panels are a stark white. I love the colors white and green together! This is also a St. Patty’s Day accessory that could be worn year round without being too out of place. Show your St. Patrick’s Day spirit with this awesome ball cap! 

7. Leprechaun Hat Earrings

Finally, a St. Patrick’s Day accessory that isn’t just a shamrock! Don’t get me wrong, I love shamrocks, but I also like a little variety; you don’t see nearly as many Leprechaun hats as you do shamrocks. I absolutely love these emerald and gold Leprechaun hat shaped earrings from Kohl’s! Yes, I do realize that these Leprechaun hat earrings do feature a glitzy shamrock, but the hat is the main focus here. I also like the amount of careful detail that has gone into each of these earrings, especially how they made the hat look dimensional. Make all of the little Leprechauns out there proud with these beautifully crafted earrings! 

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8. Sequin Headband 

I remember as a child wearing headbands all the time whenever my parents wanted me to look nice. They were cute, but I never saw the point in wearing them, as they were just so plain and boring to me. Once companies, like Claire’s, starting coming out with cute holiday-themed headband accessories, I found them to be much more enjoyable and exciting! This adorable headband from Amazon definitely caught my eye when I first saw it. I love the giant green sequin bow on top that has a tiny emerald shamrock in the center. It’s just so adorable, no matter what age you are! Easily show off your Irish love with this sparkly headband! 

9. Star Wars Tank Top

There’s literally no doubt that I love Star Wars. Just ask my family ha. I’m also quite glad that I married someone who’s just as avid a fan as I am; it makes for some pretty epic conversations. This moss green racerback tank from Kohl’s features the words May The Luck Be With You in big bold letters. I love how in the middle of the O there’s a silhouette of a shamrock; it’s quite adorable! So, on every other day of the year, it’s May the Force be with you, but on St. Patrick’s Day, it’s May the Luck be with you; I’m down with that. Now, go out and rock this Star Wars-themed St. Patty’s Day tank! 


10. Lucky Beanie 

Alright, I admit that I own a lot of beanies, but my hubby thinks I look really good in them! Plus, they’re comfortable and keep your head and ears warm in the cooler months. This cute beanie from Amazon features a big white shamrock on a neon green background, along with the words Lil Bit of Luck written in cursive below it. I absolutely would buy this hat, because at least here in Colorado, it can still be pretty chilly when St. Patrick’s Day rolls around. I can keep warm and still show my pride for my Irish ancestry! If you live in a state where it’s still pretty cold during St. Patty’s Day, then this hat is an ideal option to stay toasty and in the spirit! 


Which of these St. Patrick’s Day accessories are the best? Are there any that we may have missed on this list? Tell us in the comments below! 

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