10 Activities To Do If You Have To Quarantine

In today’s new normal, quarantining is just part of the process. The act of quarantining not only allows you to focus on your yourself, but also minimizes the risk that you can harm others. That being said it is never easy to sit at home for an extended period of time. Whether you have to quarantine for five, ten, or fourteen days these quarantine activities are sure to keep you occupied while you are doing your part to keep others safe.
1. Re-organize Re-organize Re-organize!
There’s no time like sitting at home to take a new look at that messy closet of yours. Maybe you’ve been meaning to tackle your entire room. Whatever location it may be, now is the time to tackle that project! There is a certain sense of accomplishment after organizing your closet or re-doing your drawers. This accomplishment is sure to help the anxiousness that may accompany staying at home for so long! Need some starters? Re-organize your drawers. Move furniture around in your bedroom. Find a more better way to place your glassware in the kitchen.
2. Learn to Play An Instrument
Want to add a new skill to your belt? Try learning an instrument during your quarantine! This quarantine activity not only keeps your brain active and learning, but also is something that you can carry with you for the rest of your life! A good starting instrument for this quarantine activity is the acoustic guitar or keyboard. While a piano is an extremely exciting instrument, it is not the easiest to obtain. The acoustic guitar allows a learner to play a variety of music and songs and is sure to keep spirits high during a quarantine.
3. Tackle A Movie Series
If you have the time, why not relax on the couch and tackle that long movie series you have not seen before or in a while? Movies are a great way to pass the time and if you have a series of movies to follow, even better! Looking for that extra long series? Try Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings. Star Wars is also a very long series of movies as well as Fast and the Furious! Interested in movies as a quarantine activity but don’t want to commit an entire day? Check out the Hunger Games or the Divergent Series for a shorter watch time but still all the entertainment!
4. Start Learning a New Language
Our world becomes more and more connected by the day. Despite being in the middle of a pandemic, this pandemic is global and therefore affects the entire globe. Want to gain something from such a dark forecast? Begin learning a new language! Being able to speak more than one language is a skill that not many possess in the United States and opens a slew of doors of opportunity. From traveling (eventually) to your new language’s home region or learning more about the culture associated with that language. There are a variety of apps and online services catered toward short-term language immersion. Babbel is a free app that offers users the opportunity to learn via flashcards and immersive courses. Duo-lingo is also useful for these quarantine activities and offers a similar free mobile platform!
5. Catch Up With An Old Friend
Depending on how old you are, you might be having a hard time connecting with your old friends. Whether that be from living in a different state, or having opposite schedules, catching up with an old friend is always worth it. One of the best places to catch up with an old friend, in my experience, is by having coffee with them, taking a hike, grabbing dinner, or a simple FaceTime call. Since we are in the middle of a global pandemic, it might be the most considerate to set up a FaceTime. So, text that friend you haven’t talked to in years, and add this to your list of quarantine activities!
6. Pick Up An Old Hobby
Picking up an old hobby can be exciting, yet challenging. Whether you are looking to start playing a sport you enjoyed years ago, working out, or something else, it is always euphoric to get back into something you haven’t been able to enjoy for years. Meanwhile, it is something that will take you back into time and help you keep busy while stuck in quarantine!
7. Paint
One of the most relaxing quarantine activities I have found myself to waste time in quarantine is by painting. Painting is an artistic activity, that will keep your mind open, and your thoughts racing. Furthermore, painting can be difficult for those that are not the most artistic, so there are multiple websites and videos that have step-by-step instructions for those that need help to paint. One example of a instructive video is Netflix’s Bob Ross documentary. The documentary includes specific examples of how Bob Ross completes his paintings, as well as multiple visuals to choose from.
8. Go For a Hike
If you’re lucky enough to live in a beautiful state or city that has trails to hike on, make sure to take advantage of those, especially if you are in quarantine. Hiking can be a safe activity outdoors during the pandemic, as long as you are following social distancing guidelines, and wearing a mask when needed. Additionally, being able to get a breath of fresh air after sitting in your home for days can be very comforting. Make sure to add hiking to your list of quarantine activities, you won’t regret it!
9. Order Take-Out From a Local Business
Believe it or not, you are not the only one in quarantine right now. Restaurants and other food retail locations that are owned individually are also struggling to make ends meet, so why not help your local mom and pop burger shop? Not only does this help these local retailers stay in business, but it also helps show your support to these individuals, which means more than you know in a chaotic time like this.
10. Begin Journaling
One of the most comforting quarantine activities I have found myself doing has been journaling. Head to your local Walmart or Target, and grab a smaller journal – you can typically find these for around $5.00! The whole point of journaling is to put your thoughts on a piece of paper, so what you put into your journal is completely up to you! As an idea, I like to write about my days. Starting with the first of each month and writing a bit each day. This may seem like a lot of work at first, but you will quickly realize it is nice to have somewhere to put your thoughts, especially when feeling isolated from quarantine.
What do you think are some of the best quarantine activities? Tell us some of your favorites in the comments!
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Image Sources: Pexels.com
Journalism and Media Communications student at Colorado State University. Lover of hiking, snowboarding, and traveling.