14 Abdominal Exercises To Do To Get That Summer Body

It’s almost summertime, and that means it’s time to strive for the perfect beach body, and the only way you’re going to get that beach body is if you work on your abdominals and core. Here are 14 abdominal exercises you should do to get that summer body.
1. Crunches
There are many ways to work on your abdominals to try to get that perfect beach body. One of the most common and easy abdominal exercises that will help you get that six-pack is crunches. This exercise is a great way to burn calories and lose excessive fat. Start by laying flat on your back in a prone position. Position your legs and feet in the arm by bending the knees at a 90-degree angle. In this position, bend your torso in the forward position, getting your shoulder blades off the surface, all while keeping your body in a stable place. This exercise is a great way to tune up the core, lose excess fat, and get the heart rate up.
2. Sit-ups
There are many different abdominal exercises that people should do to work on their beach bodies. Like crunches, sit-ups are another simple exercise that people should do to work on their beach bodies. This exercise is easy to do and effective when it comes to working on the core. Start with laying down on your back with your feet planted sturdy on the group with your knees bent at a 45-degree angle. In this position, you want to bring your chest to your knees, lift your shoulder blades off the ground, and stay in a stable place. Repeat this motion ten times and then relax. This exercise is a great way to burn calories, tune up the core, and get a great sweat while working out.
3. Toe Touchers
The main similarity between every abdominal exercise is the attention to detail regarding the movement of the core. One great abdominal exercise to help people get their beach body is the toe toucher exercise. Start while lying down on the surface with legs extended and feet up in the air. In a repeating motion, bend at the waist and touch your toes from the lying down position. This exercise is a great way to exercise and tune up the lower abdominals closest to the core. This exercise is a great exercise to complete during a workout if you want to work on your beach body.
4. Ankle Touches
This exercise is similar to many abdominal exercises like crunches, sit-ups, but this exercise focuses on the side abdominals. Start in a position laying down on your back with your feet firmly planted on the surface with your legs bent in the air. Make sure your arms are at your side but able to move back and forth. Arms at your side, one at a time, touch the outside of the ankle with the corresponding hand. For this exercise, make sure that your shoulder blades are off the ground. This exercise is a great abdominal stretch that will help people lose love handles and tone the core.
5. Heel Touches
One of the many great exercises to work on abdominal and core strength is an exercise that will help people work on their beach bodies. Begin laying down on your back with your legs bent and feet firmly planted on the surface. In a forward motion, attempt to touch the back of your heels with the tip of your hands. This exercise will help burn excess fat and work on lower abdominal muscles.
6. Bicycle Kicks
Like many abdominal exercises, begin with
lying down on the surface on your back with your legs bent slightly. In a repeating motion, kick one leg out forward and alternate each leg kicks. People call this exercise bicycle kicks because the action of kicking each leg out should be similar to riding a bicycle. This exercise is a great way to burn calories and get the heart rate flowing. It is a different and unique way to work and tone up your abdominals.
7. Russian Twists
Begin this abdominal exercise sitting down on your backside with both your legs and shoulders off the ground. In a sitting position, rotate your waist and touch the opposite side surface with the opposite hand. Repeat both motions for each hand. The left hand should touch the suitable side surface, and the right hand should touch the left surface. By twisting at the waist, people should feel a burning sensation in the lower abdominal muscles and their side abdominal muscles.
8. Planks
Many abdominal muscle exercises require a lot of complexity, high velocity, movement, and repetition. The unique aspect of this abdominal exercise is that it does not require a lot of action, yet it is very effective. Start lying on your stomach, looking forward. Push up to a push-up position and rest your forearms firmly on the surface. The key to holding a good plank position is keeping the back straight and squeezing the glutes together while in an upright position. Hold this position for about 45 seconds to a minute. This abdominal exercise will strengthen core muscles and burn calories at the same time.
9. Mountain climbers
Begin with both hands and feet on the ground, bending slightly at the waist facing the surface. Without moving the torso, bring up one knee to your chest and back down to a push-up position. Rotate between both legs while making sure your knee is coming close to the chest. This exercise has a lot of movement that can feel awkward at first, but when done correctly, this exercise is a great way to work on your lower abdominals while increasing your heart rate.
10. Burpees
One of the most challenging abdominal exercises to complete, this exercise requires a lot of movement. Start in a straight standing position. Quickly drop down to the ground in a push-up, and complete a push-up and pop-up. Once upon your feet, jump with your arms fully extended over the head. This exercise is supposed to be completed quickly and at a rapid rate. Make sure you are using the proper form and technique when attempting to complete this exercise. This exercise is a great way to increase calf muscles and burn calories.
11. Hip Thrusters
Use a medicine ball. Place feet on a medicine ball with shoulder blades flat on the surface. Thrust your hips up without moving your feet off of the medicine ball. This exercise help with hip stretches, hip explosiveness, calf muscles, and lower abdominal muscles. If you are looking for a cool and unique way to exercise the abdominal muscles, this exercise is excellent.
12. Side Planks
Many abdominal muscle exercises require a lot of complexity, high velocity, movement, and repetition. The unique aspect of this abdominal exercise is that it does not require a lot of action, yet it is very effective. Begin with lying on your stomach looking forward. Push up to a push-up position and rest your forearms firmly on the surface. From this position, rotate your body with one forearm on the ground and the other arm in the air. Hold a plank with one arm on the surface and one arm fully extended in the air. The key to holding a good plank position is keeping the back straight and squeezing the glutes together while in an upright position. Hold this position for about 45 seconds to a minute. After, switch arms. This abdominal exercise will strengthen core muscles and burn calories at the same time.
13. Push-ups
Many abdominal muscle exercises require a lot of complexity, high velocity, movement, and repetition. The unique aspect of this abdominal exercise is that it does not require a lot of action, yet it is very effective. Start with lying on your stomach, looking forward. Like a plank, place your hands and toes on the surface while keeping the torso flat. Move your torso towards the surface without touching the surface and push up using your arms to the starting push-up position. Continue to go up and down for about ten to 15 repetitions. If done correctly, people will feel a burning sensation in the arm and back muscles. It is vital never to move the feet while in the push-up position.
14. Out and Ups
Like many abdominal exercises, start with laying down on the surface of your back. Please do not move the torso and solely move the lower body. First, kick your feet to get your legs extended out forward, bring your knees to your chest, and after kick your feet and legs out up towards the ceiling. This motion should be an out and up motion with your legs. This exercise might be awkward at first, but people will feel a burning sensation in the abdominal muscles when done correctly.
Those are a few abdominal exercises that you need to do when working out to get that perfect beach body. Do you like our recommendations? Did we miss any? Let us know in the comments below.
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Hello! My name is Bryan Eglesia, and I am a Sports Writer/Digital Media Content Producer from the San Francisco Bay Area. I began my career as a contributor and reporter for the Reynolds School of Journalism in Reno, Nevada, where I developed many skills critical in Journalism and Sports Journalism. I'm passionate about storytelling in sports, through the spoken and written word, and I have a determined mindset to succeed in the Media Broadcasting field.