A Workout Plan For Beginners

So did we all go through that stage of quarantine where we were really committed to working out from home for like, a day? And then you kinda fell out of it and never got back to it? Well I did. Now I’m back at school and kicking myself that I didn’t stick with a workout routine that I liked. Not everyone has one or can perfectly follow YouTube vloggers like Chloe Ting and others of the like. Here are some tips and tricks that I have found while trying to get back into the workout scene.
What to eat
So this will definitely vary based on when you workout, but if you’re like me, you like to get your workout in in the morning. I like to get it done and out of the way in the morning, but I feel like it also makes me feel much more energized, confident and healthy that day. If you’re working out in the morning, you’re going to want to eat a good breakfast in the morning. It will give you energy before your workout. Here are some ideas of what you might want to eat:
Add some protein powder to your favorite oatmeal, and throw in some fruits for added antioxidants.
Scrambled eggs will give you the protein you need, plus add veggies and avocado added nutrients.
Make a protein smoothie if you’re behind on time, and you can take it with you on the go!
What to wear
Can we even talk about working out without talking about what you’re going to wear? Putting on the perfect gym fit will give you an extra boost of confidence. Besides that, you also want something that will be comfortable and won’t hinder your workout.
First, you’re going to need a sports bra that works for you. A lot of sports bras vary in how much support they give. This can be decided on what type of workout you’re doing. I’ve found that medium support usually works best for me, both based on my body and the relatively simple workouts I do.
Depending on the weather and where you’re working out, you’re going to want to opt for running shorts of leggings. I’ve found that if I’m working out outside one something like a turf field, I want leggings, because the extra material helps protect my knees and legs from turf burn. You’re likely going to get more hot inside a gym, plus they have things like mats, so running shorts work just fine inside there.
For fall, I’ve found that workouts in the morning I like to wear a sports bra with a long sleeve over it. When I get hot, I can just take the long sleeve off, but it’s great for the walk there when you’re still a little chilly, and still warming up towards the beginning. You can also put a tank under your long sleeve for some more coverage if you know you’ll take it off. Lately I’ve been loving these Lulu Lemon dupes off Amazon.
A quick Google search of workout routines will land you hundreds of different options. Here are just a few terms that you might see to help you better understand them.
Circuit: Think of this as a “round” of exercises. An abs circuit, for example, might include leg lifts, bicycle crunches, side planks and other exercises.
Cross-training: While some people choose to work on just one part of a workout each session, others incorporate different types into the same workout. Having a workout plan before you go to do it is pretty important. This might mean, you plan on cross-training both arms and back one day, as opposed to focusing on one or the other. If you’re training for, say, a marathon, you might want to cross-train with yoga to help with flexibility.
Foam rolling: AKA literally your BFF. I love to foam roll after a workout, as it loosens up the muscles you just worked, and helps with soreness. Yes, if you’re sore it means you did something right, but you don’t want to be so sore to the point where you’re uncomfortable. It’s also helpful to foam roll before your workout to get your muscles ready, and it’s a good way to ease into the workout.
Reps/Sets: A rep is how many times you do a specific move, and a set is how many reps you do. For example, 2 sets of 10 reps of pushups, means you do 10 push ups two times.
Cardio, for me, is always the worst part of a workout. Sorry I just don’t enjoy anything about being out of breath and feeling super nauseous after not even running for that long! But really, cardio is important for your health, and once you get into the swing of it, can lead you to be able to go on runs which can be…dare I say…enjoyable?
Cardio is great to start with just a walk. You can walk around your university campus, your neighborhood, literally anywhere! Change up your paces to challenge yourself a bit, but also allow for some rest time. Once you feel like you need more of a challenge, you can start to up it to add in some short bits of jogging, and eventually running.
Biking is another great form of cardio. Whether you actually throw on a helmet and peddle around your neighborhood or just get on a stationary bike, this is another great way to get your heart rate pumping.
Finally, you want to be sure to get adequate sleep. I know, you’re like “sleep isn’t a workout!” Well, no, but it can surely affect your workout. The average adult should get at least 7 hours of good sleep. By good sleep, that means free of any technology, and waking up feeling rested! Take some time before bed without any screen time so your mind can rest better, and wake up in the morning and allow for some screen-free time to let your brain wake up properly.