The Ordinary products have gotten a lot more recognition during quarantine this year, especially on social media platforms like TikTok. We’re here to give you a rundown on the best products from this brand and what you can use each one for!
This product absorbs water into the skin so in order for it to actually work, your skin needs to be damp. Most people don’t realize this and use it on dry skin which will only make it drier. Have your skin be wet and apply it on then for better performance. It has shown to reduce redness and more hydrated.
Using this solution in the AM hours of your day or as part of your morning skin routine, will provide you with the best results. It is also completely vegan along with a lot of other Ordinary products sold by Deciem.
One thing to keep in mind before I go on with the other products is that in the beginning of your use, you may experience dryness, redness, itching or other side effects. That is okay and normal! Use sunscreen and moisturizer to keep that skin hydrated. If the symptoms continue or get worse for longer periods of time, discontinue the product!
Giving a glower and brighter effect on the skin, the lactic acid in this product gives you a baby skin feel. It targets uneven skin tones and is for aging skin specifically. It also includes reduction of pore congestion.
The only factor you need to consider in this product is its sensitivity. It has chemicals that can expose you to sunburn if you’re in the sun for a long time. To aid with this, applying sunscreen after the product can reduce those chances. With this one, and as well as all the other products you decide to use, double check for allergies or sensitivity to any acids or ingredients!
This oil does wonders for moisturizing and nourishing the skin! It includes a slight scent of earthy elements but it isn’t bad, in my opinion. It’s normally applied once a day, typically in the night, and provides barrier support for the skin.
Rose hip seed oil itself has many benefits for the skin, nails and hair. So I feel like this brand did an amazing job creating this organic solution to make your skin soft, replenished and feeling fresh!
This product is a red peeling solution applied to the face for exfoliation. It helps get rid of dead skin, hyperpigmentation and fights pore congestion. It also is said to reduce fine lines and help with the skin texture appearance. This is ideally used in the nighttime and left on for 10 minutes before rinsing it off with lukewarm water.
It is advised by the brand to not leave it on for more than 10 minutes and wait for your face to dry before applying it! Also make sure to read the rest of the ingredients before applying this solution because it can be harmful for certain skin types.
Another thing to remember with the peeling solution is that you won’t notice a HUGE difference right away. You have to be patient with seeing a result over a course of time along with the other solutions you use. Don’t worry and just wait for the serum to start settling in and for your skin to adapt to it!
I have had experience with azelaic acid before and I can say that it has made a big difference in my skin. I obviously can’t speak for everyone because we all have different skin types (that are beautiful) but I personally love this product because of its quick effects. Be careful with this product as it should not be combined with certain other products made by the brand so check your bottle before you decide to mix!
A lot of dermatologists, especially that work for Curology, use this acid for acne treatment. It can be strong for some users so start small and build your range from there. Remember not to overdo it because you may think it is doing you good, but it can actually be causing more harm.
The caffeine solution has smoothed out the baggage underneath my eyes. It’s not necessarily a cure for the dark circles completely but it’s definitely improved the lines under my eyes and replenished the skin inside. I will say that that not ALL my dark circles are gone, but they have decreased in appearance and made me look more alive on days where I get no sleep. It gives a bright finish to the eyes and reduces the puffiness.
Tip: It is recommended to apply this solution at night so you can sleep with it overnight. You can apply it in the morning as well but make sure to test it out before you increase the frequency.
This is the product that I kept hearing amazing reviews about. This classic Ordinary bottle that has the original solution for sebum activity and regular congestion in the skin is a popular favorite among users. It’s also accredited by many influencers and celebrities. The zinc adds to the smoothness and clean texture of the skin which is a lifesaver.
The trendy bottle also takes time for the change to actually be noticeable so like I said before, be patient!
The last product I wanted to discuss was thee pycnogenol antioxidant. It is a natural plant extract originated from French pine trees containing organic acids. These acids work to rejuvenate, hydrate and nourish the skin of course but a unique aspect of this product is its ability to recycle oxidized Vitamin C.
This product does have a strong pigment to it so it is advised to wash your hands after and not touch your nose or eyes after.
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