A Review Of 12 High End Fashion Brands Recent Lines

Many high-end fashion brands have been promoting their spring and summer 2020 ready to wear fashion lines that have recently been released. If you want in on all the upcoming trends for this season, these 12 brands specifically are the ones to watch out for. From simplistic back to the basic styles to bold and brass color palettes, these fashion brands went above and beyond in their newest lines.
1. Balenciaga, “Hot” Line
Balenciaga has been producing a new type of never before seen fashion to follow their 2018 “Hot Line” line. The clothing pieces bring you back to the basics with simple buttons ups and collared shirts that only stand out due to the bold printed phone number that sprawls across every item. The number is callable and directs you to a Balenciaga hotline in which a strange voice asks you various questions, reassuring you that all answers are anonymous. The interactive fashion pieces are a way of collecting information on Balenciaga’s audience, so the brand knows who to tailor their advertisements and products too. This also creates a conversation between the brand and the consumer that has intrigued many fashion connoisseurs.
2. Scotch and Soda, Spring and Summer
The brand Scotch and Soda may not be as well known as big names such as Louis Vuitton and Gucci but is just as high class in the fashion industry. The Dutch retail company’s recent spring and summer collection keeps up with their free-flowing usual clothing style. Unique in comparison to most fashion brands, Scotch and Soda advertises each collection as a story. Each look feels similar to the appearance of characters attire in vintage foreign cinema.
3. Moschino, Old Inspiration and New Touch
Moschino is known for its outlandish patterns placed on uniquely crafted clothing, but the recent line feels brand new. While still incorporating the sketch-like appearance that makes the designs on each piece look hand-drawn, Moschino’s newest clothing utilizes a brighter color palette on boxier fabric. After coming out with the 2018 Jackie Kennedy inspired line that focused on historical clothing pieces with a twist, this line is Moschino gone modern.
4. Prada, Business as Usual
Prada is consistent with the constant output of professional and elegant office and everyday formal attire. Providing sleek looks with unique designs, Prada never fails to set the standard for the season. Keeping it classy, but still staying up to date on the newest trends, Prada has maintained it’s sophisticated style from the start of the brand through to it’s newest line.
5. Chanel, Unchanged
Chanel was developed in 1910 in Paris, France and has always focused on luxury elegance. This means Chanel makes some of the most high-end products of the high-end industry, setting the expectation for other fashion designers to come. Unlike brands similar in stature such as Hermès and Louis Vuitton, Chanel is not as much of a trendsetter or follower. Instead, the brand sticks to fashion classics that will forever be remarked as classy and stylistic.
6. Supreme
The well-known skater and streetwear brand Supreme has an unusual way of dropping their recent lines. By releasing a date via social media, and their website, Supreme adds new clothes to their online store that sells out in seconds upon release. Although the style of their brand is fairly consistent, Supreme has picked up on the vintage trend that has been circulating the skate world. Many of the recently released clothes on their website is similar to that of 90’s skatewear and follows a retro color palette that includes bright purples and greens.
7. Ralph Lauren, Brown and Beary
Ralph Lauren’s most recent line is a continuation of their typical combination of fashion styles. Although commonly considered preppy and upper class, Ralph Lauren usually combines a professional appearance with a beachy bohemian pattern to spice the lookup. This can be seen commonly throughout their most recent line. Along with this, Ralph Lauren is continuing the Polo Bear collection which includes a variety of shirts and sweaters in typically brown colored tones with the Polo Bear stitched onto the material somewhere.
8. Off White, Formal Street Attire
Off White is one of the most popular fashion brands for streetwear. After becoming popular through their famously known Off White industrial belt, the brand has built upon its foundation to expand the company into more than simply a line of attire that has phrases such as “NOT A BELT,” printed across the front of it. Recently, Off White premiered a formal line of streetwear and has been a large part in changing the view of streetwear in the fashion industry. Rather than pigeonholing streetwear to hipster fashion culture, Off White has created a fashion platform in which anyone can rock their industrialized pieces, no matter the setting.
9. Gucci, Glorified Office
Gucci is typically known for its nature-centered collage-like designs that contain various combined patterns creating a pleasant dissonance within each clothing piece. However, the recent line that the brand premiered shows Gucci going in the opposite direction and simplifying the usual flamboyant designs that most who follow fashion would expect. Still holding onto the roots of the company, the recent line combines professional office attire with traditional Gucci. Nearly every model wears a unique pair of glasses that give off the signature Gucci look while sporting a calmer suit or fitted dress. This change is also notable through the lessened use of color amongst the recent line. Typically indulging in dark greens and bright pinks, this new line contains an entirely different color palette based in blues and greys.
10. Acne Studios, Comfort Chic
Acne Studios is a unique high-end fashion brand that centers around environmentally-friendly fashion. ACNE originally stood for Associated Computer Nerd Enterprises, however with growing popularity, the brand’s aesthetic and acronym changed. ACNE now stands for Ambition to Create Novel Expressions, and that is the perfect phrase to describe the brand’s newest line. By using earth tones, and soft fabrics, Acne Studios is giving comfort chic a whole new image.
11. Dolce and Gabbana, Outlandish
It is no surprise that Dolce and Gabbana’s most recent line feels themed and has overarching consistencies throughout each piece. In past years, Dolce and Gabbana have shown the synchronicity of each of their fashion lines, and the trend did not stop this year. In the recent D and G line, each model is dressed in explorer-like attire, and the runway replicates a jungle terrain. Each item follows a tan palette with occasional detailing in bright colors, and there are pockets and pantsuits galore. Although this theme feels nothing out of the ordinary for D and G, the line is authentic and original.
12. Alexander Mcqueen, Color Palette
Alexander Mcqueen’s newest line largely plays with color and era in each design. Each piece contains trends from older eras such as the combination of leather and ruffles, or the use of ruffled layering. This gives the line an overarching old-timey feel, and the color palette adds to this immensely. By using mainly black and white, the line feels like an antique black and white film unfolding before your eyes.
What is your favorite high-end fashion line? Let us know in the comments below!
Featured Image Source: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/371758144240784876/
My name is Aja Ward. I am from Southern California, but I currently attend college at Hofstra University in New York. I am a freshman journalism major, and currently exploring a minor in design. I am involved in my school’s radio station 88.7 FM WRHU which is the #1 non-commercial radio station in the nation, and one of my biggest passions is fashion.