A Quick Natural Looking Makeup Routine For Those Busy Mornings

We all love love make up because it makes us feel that much more confident in ourselves, and if we could we’d spend as much time as we possible putting make up on in the morning but for most of us we’re super busy which only leaves us 10 minutes to get ready in the morning. So instead of the hour long make up routines everyone else is doing here are two natural looking makeup routines which will make you look just as good.
1. Routine 1 – 10 to 20 mins
All you need: BB cream, face powder, Concealer (optional), bronzer, highlighter, your usual brow product, mascara and lipstick (again optional).
Step 1 – BB cream and powder (concealer if needed) – For the base all you have to do is put BB cream on as you would any face cream but don’t put it on your eyelids, BB cream is better than foundation because you don’t have to sit there pounding it on to your face for five minutes. It’s usually not very high coverage which I personally like because it looks more natural.
If you think you really need concealer then you can put some under your eyes and anywhere you need it baring in mind this takes up time and not always worth it, but again not the eyelids. The reason for not putting it on your eyelids is because you have a natural pigment there and by leaving that bare it’ll give the illusion of eye shadow which takes a whole step out of your make up routine.
Then put your normal face powder on your face, if you have an oily face then you can put more on, if not then around your t-zone will be fine.
Step 2 – Bronzer and highlighter – You can get your favorite bronzer and using a bigger brush just quickly swipe this around your cheekbones, forehead and a little on the sides of your nose sort of like you’re contouring, this shouldn’t take more than a minute to do. Then using a smaller brush get your favorite highlighter and add a little to the higher points of your face, remember to keep it natural so blinding to the gods may not be a great idea.
Step 3 – Eyebrows and mascara – What I usually do is lightly fill in my brows just for extra pigment and comb them through with a brow mascara, this will keep it more of a natural looking makeup. Then using your favorite mascara just quickly get your lashes looking lengthened, I use the Maybelline Total Temptation which adds so much length and thickness in a matter of seconds.
Step 4 – Lipstick and/or lip gloss – This isn’t a necessary step but I like to add just a little lipstick by dabbing it on and putting either a light gloss or vaseline on top. You can just wear a lipstick or just gloss, this is up to personal preference.
2. Routine 2 – 5 to 10 minutes
This is so quick and easy that you could probably do it on the bus on your way to uni (you’ll probably be stared at a lot though).
All you need: powder, brow pomade, brow mascara, mascara and lipstick (optional).
After using your face cream you can put on the face powder all over your face, some powders have a higher coverage than others so check out which is best for you. Honestly you can even skip this step if you want, but because I have oily skin I need the powder.
Next for natural looking makeup, you fill in your brows lightly with the brow pomade, if you’re not a brow person or have fuller brows then you can skip this step. Then comb through your brows with a brow mascara to keep them in place all day.
Then make your eye lashes stand out by putting on some mascara, this is the main part of this natural looking makeup, longer lashes fix everything. If you want you can even put liner on but this takes a long time especially if it doesn’t go right, it’s completely up to you.
Finally all you have to do is dab on a little lipstick to add pigment to your lips, you can just use a gloss or vaseline, I usually just put the pink vaseline on for a little colour and to keep my lips moisturised.
And that’s it, these are so quick and easy (even if the first routine doesn’t seem it). Which natural looking makeup do you prefer and what would you change or keep from them?
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