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A Letter To My Future Daughter About Love

A Letter To My Future Daughter About Love

Have you ever wondered how to make a fuckboy fall in love with you? Here's a step by step guide that just might help you, or at least make you change your mind.

To your future daughters that have yet to be born, it is nerve wrecking to think of what you would tell them or teach them about the things that they will endure. Trying to ease the pain to the bare minimum but realistically knowing that they have to go through some rough patches in order to become stronger.

Stay Yourself

I know it may be hard, living in a world that teaches you that you need to be like everyone else or to not appreciate the way that God has made you; but not altering who you are to be like someone else is not what you have to lower yourself to doing. I want you to love the flaws that you find that you don’t like about yourself.

Accept the skin your in because you can’t get a new body,  so accept yourself with open arms babygirl. I love you and I want you to be the best version that you can be.


Guard Your Heart

Guard your heart babygirl because there are people who are going to use you because they know your heart and understand who you are as a person. My future daughter, I want you to know that the people in this world doesn’t have your best interest at heart like your mommy does.

Your heart is pure, your mind is the reason that people want to get next to you, you are mature for your age and some people envy you because of it. Your heart is the next thing to your sacred temple.

Your Temple Is Sacred

The most sacred thing on your body is your what you hold between your legs. It should be kept for the man that puts a ring on your finger and makes you his wife. When you give it up to anybody and everybody it loses it value because everyone has gotten a chance.


I want you to cherish what you have and don’t let your standards down for no man. Listen to your intituiton when it comes to men and allows listen to the way they speak, because they unveil a lot without even realizing it.

I love you future daughter of mine.

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Love At A Distance

When you love at distance you can minimize the amount of pain that can enter your life, now I’m not telling you that when you do this you will eradicate the pain that comes your way. Future daughter of mine, I want you to love, to love and experience what it can do for you in the most purest form.

Loving at a distance, gives you the power over what you let enter your personal space, protect your energy and your peace. I don’t want you to confuse what I am saying with what you might feel is right in the moment because it is important that you experience your own journey.

When You Love a Man

When a man tells you he loves you listen to him closely, listen to the words that he speaks but watch his actions becuase his actions won’t match his words and that is where your heart becomes conflicted. A man can love but not know how to properly show it and because of that it is not your job to teach him how to love.


You can love a man but don’t stay with him because he is filling a void for you, don’t let a man make you feel like you need him to survive. You can survive without a man and you can survive with a man, you find happiness within yourself, and when you find a man that controls his own happiness, ya’ll happiness combined is what love is.

To your future children, whether it’s to your daughter or son, always leave them something that they can hold on to.

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