A Letter To All Incoming College Freshmen

2 years ago around this time, I was hopeful. I was excited for my future. I couldn’t wait to pursue my dream in college. 1 year ago around this time, I had broken up with my high school boyfriend. We broke up not because we no longer loved each other, but because we just couldn’t handle the long distance relationship as a college freshmen.
Despite the break up, I was okay because I felt like I achieved everything I dreamed of. I got into a college of my choice. I got to go out of state and live in a beautiful city called Philadelphia. Life didn’t exactly go as I panned, but it taught me some lessons. I learned 3 lessons from summer after my junior year of high school till now.
Never Say Never (Pun Intended).
Since high school, I told people that I already know what I want to study in college and what I want to do for living. People told me that I might change my mind later. I always said “I’m not a maybe person. It’s either yes or no.” That wasn’t the case. I did change my mind a few times as a college freshmen. I originally wanted to do political science in college. I currently study journalism at Temple University. It’s great that you know what you love and what you want to do. The thing is you never know where your life takes you. Always stay open minded. You’re still growing and absorbing information that can potentially change you.
Be Yourself, Be Original As An Incoming College Freshman.
South Korean Hyperrealism painter, Joongwon Jeong AKA Charles Jeong once mentioned that when we are born, we are born as a unique piece of art that has only one original copy. Many people are scared of being themselves nowadays. People say college freshmen are different and unique. In reality, everyone conforms to what is perceived as normal. Don’t be afraid of being different or people talking behind your back. People talk shit about college freshmen regardless. If you can’t avoid it, you might as well embrace it.
Fall For That Bullshit.
1 year ago, after my break up, I told myself love is not for me. I quickly realized that that’s impossible. People crave love constantly. We can’t live without love. I made mistakes, I crawled back to my ex before. Some shattered my heart. In the process, I know, I smashed some hearts too. Sure, tell your friends you’re not falling for that bullshit love anymore. You better get back up tomorrow and move on. I’m not saying fall in love 10 times a day. I’m saying when who it seems to be the right person at what it seems to be the right moment comes, you better hold on tight to that person.
These are some of the things learned. I would be so grateful if some people found this helpful. Welcome to college everyone. Make sure you party hard and study hard.
Featured Image Source: weheartit.com

"Jenna is a sophomore at Temple University. She is studying journalism. She loves to write. She also travels often."