College comes with a whole lot of new and exciting stuff. Your own place to live, tons of college club to get involved with, and new friends. It also brings some things that if you’re not careful, can be dangerous without moderation. The unlimited dining hall plan that brings you already prepared food every day all the time and the lack of mandatory physical education classes can slowly put a dent into your diet and fitness. If you’re constantly downing burgers and fries well lazing around you can tip up the scale pretty quickly during college.
You’ve probably heard of the infamous freshman fifteen happenings. Well, the problem isn’t always as widespread as some crack it up to be, it definitely is real. Without your parents there to discourage you from Domino’s on-demand and a P.E. class or two to keep you moving, it is easy to gain a couple pounds. Of course, even if you know about the freshman fifteen and avoid it is easier said than done.
Many guides expect you to eat solely at the nasty “training station” in Sodexo’s halls or to constantly be performing strenuous tasks. Most of these routines are so strict they are doomed to failure in the hands of young and hungry college students. Even if you do manage to make it through with the suggested routine, you will avoid the freshman fifteen but you’ll have gone through a lot of suffering to do so. Luckily you don’t have to suffer a ton to avoid the freshman fifteen. Here is a guide to avoiding the freshman fifteen without going crazy.
It is super easy to add a bunch of salty fries to your regular grilled cheese or burger. But these fries make an unhealthy meal even more bad for you by adding tons of calories and sodium. It is easy to say you don’t want to sacrifice your grilled cheese for salad, but what is not so easy is passing up fries. This simple skip will save you a ton of calories and also make you feel less grimy and stuffed after a trip to the dining hall!
When you’re studying and stressed it can be extremely tempting to order a pizza or cookies. But try to avoid the temptation as it can lead to lots of sugar and calories. Delivery foods are often filled with calories and are usually junk food. Instead, opt for something homemade if cooking is an option, or go to the dining hall if it’ good. If you simply can’t resist never ordering take out or delivery, try to limit it to one day a week or less. Your health and your bank account will thank you.
Going to the gym can be hard because even though it’s something you get as a student usually automatically, it’s stressful and no one is really forcing you to do it. Plus gym workouts can pretty repetitive and boring. If you can’t find the motivation to work out, consider joining a club sport or intramural one. They’re a great way to meet new people and they’ll hold you accountable by usually having practice at least once a week.
It can be hard to be the only one who is skipping cookies or saying no to free Donuts in the residence hall. Instead, try to find a friend who is willing to do it with you. Together you two can work out and eat healthily. Plus you will hold each other accountable.
Having a calorie counter that tracks what you eat and how much protein and sugar in each meal you eat has can really be helpful. It helps you not overeat and makes sure each meal is not only low cal but also nutritious. Consider downloading MyFitnessPal or Myplate, which are both apps that help you track your meals.
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