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A Guide To A Successful Hot Girl Summer

A Guide To A Successful Hot Girl Summer

Every girl dreams of having the most memorable summer that tops all of the ones before it. I mean, after a long school year, you deserve that and should aspire to have a fun and care-free break from your usual responsibilities. I know I am definitely excited to have the best hot girl summer yet.


Now, you might not be familiar with what a hot girl summer is, but I am here to tell you all about it!





Hot girl summer is the mindset of living out the summer season to the fullest without hesitation or regrets. This might entail late nights out with your friends, making lifestyle changes you always dreamed about doing but never had the time to, checking off goals from your bucket list or going on that road trip you always wanted to. Essentially, hot girl summer is whatever you want it to be, as long as you are doing all the things that you love.


You are probably wondering how to go about setting goals and plans to make your summer a “hot girl summer” and I have some tips and tricks so you can be successful in this endeavor!



Eating right

A way to have the best summer yet is to get the nutrients you need from the meals you eat. Doing this will give you more energy to do the things you love while also gaining confidence. Food is fuel and if you are not eating right, you will not feel right. At the beginning of last summer, I was fatigued and had low motivation, but the second I changed my diet, I felt so much better and had the energy for my everyday tasks. Eating right also means eating enough. Cutting down on calories will actually add to your exhaustion and low motivation. Calories are your friend so don’t limit or skip out on them.



Keeping active for the right reasons

Keeping active so you feel good is essential. Some people go into the warm months with the goal of achieving a “summer body,” but that is an outdated mindset that will limit you from being the best you can be. You should exercise so you overall feel better. Exercise of any form is also important for your mental and physical health while giving you something productive to do this summer. I completely understand the lack of motivation to get into a fitness routine, but even taking a walk outside as often as you can will boost your mood greatly. It is also easy to scroll through TikTok or to lay in bed all day, but your summer will be wasted away if that is all that you are doing. Exercising also teaches you how to healthily challenge yourself, and this results in you seeing your greatest potential!


Hanging with friends 

Keeping your closest friends around you is an essential part of having a fun hot girl summer. Going to parties, movie nights, brunches and bars with them will keep you entertained and you might meet new friends at these events. If you are home for the summer after being at college, it is also special to have time to rekindle your friendships with your hometown friends. Keeping your circle of friends close will guarantee you to have an adventurous summer.



Getting a job 

I know that getting a job does not seem like a very hot girl summer thing to do, but being able to fund your adventures with your friends is important. Let’s face it. If you’re in college, you are broke and it might be time to make money of your own. Plus, this job could keep you moving and active. Working can also fill the less productive gaps of your day and give you something meaningful to do. You might even make coworker friends this way! I waitress over my summers at home and at first, I thought it would take away from my summer break, but it did the opposite. I made friends, had extra pocket change, and would hang out with my friends after my shift. If you are short on money, I highly recommend working.



Alone time 

While you might get FOMO (fear of missing out) from staying a night in from an event your friends are attending, sometimes alone time is essential. Constantly being on the move or being surrounded by people can sometimes be emotionally taxing, so a break might be needed. If you start feeling this way, you are not alone. As someone who leans a bit more towards introversion, sometimes I need space to do my own thing and so might you. So if you want to, stay in and read a book, start a tv series, paint or do whatever makes you happy. 


Wear what you want

It is time to go to the beat of your own drum and wear the things that make you feel happy. It can be easy to hold back from your true style because of the fear of what other people think of you, but their opinions should not affect your own. Hot girl summer is all about embracing yourself and what says that more than your wardrobe? It’s time to experiment! Your new found style might bring out confidence that you never knew you had within you. 

See Also
This movie watch list are great for your next night in with your closest friends. Check out these classic movies that everyone loves!


Make a bucket-list

Having all of your goals for the summer written down will make it more likely for you to do them. If your friends are also on the bucket list, you are more likely to do the tasks and hold each other accountable.  If you want a summer of crazy adventures, this is the best way to achieve that!



Cherish it



Summer goes by in a blink of an eye, so make sure you are taking in every moment. Soon enough, you will be back to your job or school and you will be wishing it was still summer. Take lots of pictures to capture these moments so you can always look back on them.

Hot girl summer is a liberating time for young women. In order for it to be successful, you just have to keep your mind open to any possibility. What is your idea of a hot girl summer?
