A Day In The Life Of A Loyola University Chicago Student

A day at Loyola is a day spent in the suburbs and the city of Chicago. Right on Lake Michigan, it’s a beautiful, scenic campus. But then there’s the Water Tower Campus, which is right off the Chicago stop on the Red Line. Each day is a wonderful experience. Whether it’s seeing Fran in Simpson, waiting for the elevator at Mundelien, or taking the shuttle along the lake downtown, it’s an experience that most people don’t get to have. Keep reading to find out what a day in the life of a Loyola University Chicago student is really like!
Trying to figure out the weather.
The thermometer might say one thing, but The Lake Effect and the wind might say something else. Wearing a tee shirt might be too cold to sit along the lake, especially on a breezy day. But, it might be too warm wearing a light jacket or a long sleeve shirt.
Trying to figure out where/if to get breakfast.
To get that extra sleep or to go get breakfast? There is always the Damen Food Court, where you can get fresh coffee or a frozen Cappuccino. You can also get a protein smoothie, if the caffeine isn’t necessary, in Damen. Or, most likely, putting that Keurig to use while doing un-finished readings for class.
Getting to Class.
There’s tons of obstacles, such as dodging tour groups in the lobby of your building, or dodging tour groups in the entrance of the IC when only one door works. On a nice day, there’s always the chance to walk by the lake.
Lunch, if there’s time.
De Nobili has the best options for lunch (noodles and roasted vegetables anyone?), but Simpson has the personal touch that comes in the form of Fran. It’s definitely a day-maker to hear her “HI BABY” when you go there. If there’s no time, there’s alway the Damen Food Court or Center Stage Cafe to grab something real quick.
Getting to class again.
Getting to class at Mundelien way earlier than needed because you never know how the elevator lines are going to be. Some days you get on, no problem, other days you have to wedge yourself out on the sixth floor from behind everyone going up higher. The stairs are always an option, but they are also packed and take the same amount of time. Saying that you were waiting for the elevator is not a valid excuse for being late to class, apparently.
If you have a WTC class, figuring out the commute.
There’s the shuttle or the L. The shuttle is nice, especially if you have to lug a lot of ex-pensive equipment if you’re a film student. It’s just for LUC students and staff and takes Lake Shore Drive, which is beautiful during sunset. But, if it’s rush hour, you might get stuck in traffic. So there’s the L, which can be faster. But during rush hour, it’s crazy crowded.
Studying at the IC.
Or Mundelien Palm Court. It’s such a scenic way to learn, especially during the sunset. Even if there’s no studying to do, the lake is a great place to sit and think and reflect. Plus, there’s the Connections Cafe, which is always a solid option to get coffee while trying to focus on an UCWR paper that you put off.
There’s tons of stuff to do on campus that’s not academics-related. From Loyolacore to WILL to any a Capella group to KPU, there’s something for everyone. There are even some ac-ademic related clubs. It’s great to get involved and to meet some people who have the same interests as you. Also, there’s a lot of great off-campus things to get involved with, whether it’s getting a job or taking a class at Second City or iO.
Working out in Halas.
Rock-climbing, a class, weights, or cardio? There’s so many options for the Loyola University Chicago student. It’s fun to take a yoga class or a zumba class with friends, or have a rock-climbing competition on the wall with your roommate. Of course, there’s always the potential to get to the cardio room when everyone else is there and there are no machines open. At least it’s open until midnight.
Going to Damen Food Court for a post-workout dinner.
The dining halls are closed if you like to work out late and then eat, like me. The Burger Studio is a go-to. Getting a customized veggie burger and an iced tea gives me more incentive to go to Halas. There’s also pre-made sandwiches and salads, or Topio’s or Zoca’s.
Doing homework in the dorm.
Then there’s cooling down and making sure everything is together for the next day, while enjoying the warm burger. Checking emails, Facebook, and Sakai is what I usually do at this point.
Showering, then off to bed!
Or, more likely, Netflix. I usually make a cup of tea and watch a couple episodes of whatever I’m currently watching. But if there’s still work to be done, it gets done if it can’t be put off until the morning. Or it’s a perfect roommate-bonding time, like ordering Insomnia and talking about life until 2am when one of you remembers you have an early class.
What are some other things that happen in the day in the life of a Loyola University Chicago Student? Feel free to comment below and share the article!
Featured photo source: timblr.com and favim.com
"Film and media production major, WSGS and Psych double minor. LUC '20. Insta: hillaryhedstrom13 Twitter: @hillzwashere 13"