A Day In The Life Of A JMU Student

Every duke is anxious for Friday to roll around. It’s no secret that weekdays can be busy and stressful as hell. From start to finish, here is the typical day of a student at James Madison on a given Friday. Keep reading to find out what a day in the life of a JMU student is really like!
Wake up, sleepyhead!
So you wake up at 9:45AM and realize that you’ve missed your 8AM class because you forgot to set your alarm. Yet again. But to be fair, yesterday was Thirsty Thursday so there was no way you could be up at 6:30 anyways. You needed the sleep, and you pray that one of your friends can give you the notes you missed.
How many red lights can you hit?
After popping two Advil and brewing a cup of joe, you leave at 10:30 in hopes of finding a parking spot in time to make it to your 11:15 class. No surprise, Port Republic is backed up. If you’re a JMU student, you know you’re doomed. Twenty minutes later, you luck out and get a spot in the Mason Street parking deck. Thank god for the new parking garage.
Who convinced me to go out last night?…
By a miracle you make it to your class. You’re annoyed because the only reason you’re there is because you ran out of skips and your professor will start deducting points from your grade if you miss any more classes. Your hangover begins to hit you and you don’t pay attention to the lecture because it’s the last gen ed class you have to take and at this point you don’t really care.
It’s grind time!
Once you finally get yourself together, you realize how much homework you have to do before the weekend. And you know won’t get anything done on Saturday. After stopping at Dunkin for an iced coffee, you rush to the lib and crank out as much work as possible. It feels so good to get it all out of the way, doesn’t it?
Good eats at Dukes.
With little money you have left on your flex, you grab a sandwich at Dukes. You wish you were a freshman again and could punch for the sweet, honey barbecue bites with mac n cheese. Yeah, those were the good old days.
Responsibilities? What are those?
As soon as you get home from campus, your speaker is turned on and you blast whatever song gets you so hype for the weekend. You immediately forget about all the work you’re going to have assigned to you next week. No need to worry about it now, you’ll forget all about it by
By eleven o’clock, you’re at the party you’ve been looking forward to since Sunday morning of the past week. You grab your friends and drag them to the dance floor, and are so thankful that it’s finally the weekend again.