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10 Killer Butt Workouts For The Perfect Ass

10 Killer Butt Workouts For The Perfect Ass

Every girl’s dream is to have a nice toned butt. With the summer ended you definitely want that toned butt for next summer, no slacking! I mean look at the Kardashians and other celebrities who have that. I am sure that I’m not the only one who has that goal or dream, so here are 10 killer butt workouts for the perfect ass!

1. Hip-Lift Progression

Follow this step by step and video to see how you do this work out!

Make sure you have a good mat for the gym or if you’re doing these exercises at home!



2. Dumb Bell Squats

Use the step by step and video for help with this exercise

3. Squat With Kickback

Watch this tutorial to learn how!

Get yourself armband for your phone so you can listen to your music hands-free! Definitely comes in handy when you’re incorporating your arms into your workout.


4. Sumo Squats Leg Lifts

Watch this tutorial to learn how!

5. Donkey Kicks

Watch this video tutorial to learn how!

6. Side Lunges

Check out this video to learn how. Make sure you switch to do the other side!


7. Narrow Squat

This isn’t just for your thighs, your butt will also be feeling the burn! Check it out here.

8. Narrow Squat Back Kick

Make sure that you switch to do the other side too! Check it out here.


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We've put together some of the best GIFs that describe what it's like to be a student at Ohio University. All OU students will definitely be able to relate.

9. Split Squat With Side Leg Raise

Check out how to do it here!

Side Note: If you don’t have the step that is okay you can still do this exercise without it!


Get the step here:

10. Basic Lunge

We’ve all done lunges some time in our lives, but here’s a refresher! These are not only good for the thighs, but you will also feel it in your butt.


I hoped you liked these 10 workout moves for the perfect ass! Remember with any of these, if you wanted to you could add more weight by using ankle weights, dumbbells and also kettle bells for more resistance.

Please comment if you have any other butt workout moves that we could do for the perfect ass and share this with friends!

What are your favorite butt workouts? Comment below!
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