Everything You Need To Buy from Costco For The Perfect Holiday Dinner

Making a holiday dinner can be a bit tricky, especially if you’re going to be inviting relatives, cousins, family members, and friends. You’ve gotta get all the ingredients from someplace, and you’ve got to make sure to get a lot so that you can cook everything for everyone. It’s pretty exhausting.
Now, without doxxing yourself here, do you live near a Costco, or at least have a Costco that’s 50 or so miles away from you? Perfect! You’ve just found the perfect place to get all the ingredients for your holiday dinner.
At Costco, you can get so much food for such a low price. Think about it. If you stock up on chicken at Walmart, how much is that gonna cost you compared to Costco? Here’s a few things you can get from Costco to make that beautiful holiday dinner that you’ve always wanted.
3-Pack, 8 Piece Chicken Legs
Chicken may seem a bit strange to add to a holiday dinner, but trust me on this one. Chicken can be put on things like salad, added to the side of the dish, or just put on some pasta! You can include chicken to any holiday dinner, and it’ll only enhance the flavor and the experience.
Plus, a little chicken never hurt anybody! Besides, if you think that you’ve bought way too much for this holiday dinner, than you can store it for a month from now. I know you’ll be eating your holiday dinner leftovers for at least two weeks, if not almost a month.
Hot Cocoa
No holiday dinner is complete without a couple rounds of hot cocoa! It’s a staple for the holidays, so it’s only natural that you include it in your holiday dinner list.
Especially since it’ll super cold during December and November. We’re all going to be feeling the chill by the time these two months hit. So get a box of hot cocoa, rent a couple of movies, and share the cocoa amongst your friends and family.
Or, all of you could do the same thing, but virtually!
Rastelli Market 7-8 lb Spiral Sliced Ham
Moving chicken aside for a hot second, a sliced ham is a big, big staple in a holiday dinner that I just had to include it.
Ham is so good, and if you get it from Costco, it’ll taste even better because of how you’ll save from it. Because of the deals. Saving money is good. You got that? You wrote it down? Good.
Joking aside, no holiday dinner is complete without ham, unless your religion exempts you from it, in which case, it is.
David’s Cookies Lemon Flower Tart, 2-Pack
How are you gonna have a holiday dinner without getting a dessert? Dessert is almost the best part of the holiday dinner process! You’ve got the appetizers, the main dish, and the dessert.
That’s why I’m suggesting this lemon tart! Lemon tarts aren’t really considered when thinking of desserts for the holidays. Why not shake it up a bit by getting a lemon tart along with that pecan pie or pumpkin pie? It’ll give your holiday dinner a bit of variety!
Jasmine Rice
Rice is one of the best sides to go with your holiday dinner. There’s pasta, the vegetables, then there’s rice! Rice is also pretty much a blank canvas. You can add so many spices in it, make it into a quinoa rice recipe, make it into orange rice, or make it into any delicious rice dish that you want.
Depending on the holiday dinner, rice can really spice it all up. Just like the lemon tart, rice will add some variety to your holiday dinner so it isn’t always stuffing or green beans.
Organic Spaghetti Noodles
Pasta is going to go well with that chicken that I suggested earlier! With those two combined, you can make a mini chicken scampi!
You can never go wrong with pasta for a holiday dinner, especially since you’ll be getting it from Costco. You can also just make a plain pasta with some extra virgin olive oil. Speaking of extra virgin olive oil…
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Extra virgin olive oil! This goes with almost anything. You can slather it on sausages and toast them up, you can put it in those spaghetti noodles I suggested no less than .2 seconds ago; like you can do a lot with extra virgin olive oil.
Organic Tomato Sauce
Oh, and another thing for those spaghetti noodles? Organic tomato sauce! It’ll be perfect for those noodles, and for your holiday dinner. Like I was saying before, why not add a bit of variety to your holiday dinner by making spaghetti as a side dish, or even making something else with tomato sauce.
Like chicken tomato curry! Hey, that’s another thing you can do with that chicken for the holiday dinner!
12.03 oz Fine Ground Black Pepper
If you don’t season anything, I think I’m legally allowed to come into your house and steal your kneecaps. Which is why I’m recommending you get a big thing of black pepper from your town’s Costco!
That way, while you’re making your twenty million dishes for your holiday dinner, you’re not going to be running out of black pepper! All you need now is a big jar of salt, and you’re solid! But seriously, I think I own your kneecaps if you don’t season anything. I think that’s a federal crime in like ten states.
All Purpose Flour
You should totally get flour if you’re going to be baking any other desserts for your holiday dinner. You can also use it in some soups to make it thicker and have a better consistency! And where’s a better place to get it from than Costco?
Costco is a great place to get all of your ingredients for that big holiday dinner you’ve been planning. You can get good, gourmet foods, cheeses, and can even get caviar! You can also get a lot of great dry pantry, and grocery foods. It’s pretty useful, so we implore that you take advantage of that Costco in your town. Happy cooking!
What are you thinking of making for your holiday dinners? Let us know!
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Hi! My name is Carolina Cisneros, and I am a new intern at Society 19. I’m so glad to have this opportunity! I have an Associates in Studio Art, and I will be heading into university for Cinematic Arts and Technologies. I plan to go into the animation industry, designing characters and bringing more diversity into the world. For now, I’m building my skills. Thank you for reading!