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10 Things You’ll Only Understand If You Were Born In Las Vegas

10 Things You’ll Only Understand If You Were Born In Las Vegas

When a lot of people think of Las Vegas, they normally think of casinos, clubs, and parties. However, those who were born and grew up in Las Vegas know that The Strip is only a small part of the city. Here are some things that only Vegas born people will understand. 

1. People assuming that you grew up in a hotel. 

As much as we wish our lives were like “The Suite Life Of Zach and Cody”, most of Vegas residents surprisingly don’t live on The Strip in a hotel. There are other areas of Vegas such as Summerlin, North Las Vegas, Henderson, etc. and they are all full of residential areas. It’s funny how often people ask me this question when I tell them that I’m from Vegas. 


2. You consider 80 degrees to be cool. 

Vegas is known for its 100 degrees and up temperatures, so when it’s in the 80 range it’s like a nice change. Living in California, I have found that people complain when the temperature is 80 degrees, but honestly, my body has just adapted to super-hot temperatures after growing up in Vegas. I mean Vegas is a desert so it makes sense that people start to get used to the heat after living there for so long. 

3. You cannot stand the tourists. 

Especially the ones that travel in big groups and feel the need to take pictures in front of everything including things that contain no significance whatsoever. I mean what are you going to do with a picture of you in front of a plant or the Red Rock sign? Not every moment is worth taking a picture of! Sometimes Vegas residents just want to go to The Strip for dinner but then they remember they’ll have to deal with rowdy tourists so they just avoid it in general. 


4. It makes you cringe when people pronounce Nevada “Nevaahhhda.” 

I cannot stand when people think that the correct pronunciation is “Nevaahhhhda.” First of all, the locals will get annoyed if you say it like that and will just give you a weird look. Second of all, why do people think this is the right way to say it? There’s no “h” in the word Nevada, okay?! 


5. It amazes you that places actually close before 9 pm. 

You’re used to things being open until super late so when you go to a different city or town and find places that close at 7 pm, you can’t believe it. It’s so nice having restaurants and stores that stay open until late because you never have to worry about being somewhere before they close. Plus, when you need to get food late at night, you don’t have to worry about finding a place that’s open. 

6. There’s ALWAYS road work being done. 

Another lane is blocked off again? It doesn’t even phase you anymore at this point. There’s never a time when there’s no road work at all. Road work just causes the already bad Vegas drivers to become worse too. It’s especially terrifying on the 215 freeway when there’s roadwork and they don’t give any warning about it. Seriously I think road work is so common at this point that they’ve given up on signs. 


7. If you’re from Summerlin, you understand the struggle of going to the Downtown Summerlin mall and seeing everyone you know. 

Once Downtown Summerlin opened, it’s like every kid from Summerlin thought that was the only place they could go with their friends all the time. No one wanted to hang out anywhere else after the DTS opening. I could never go to Downtown Summerlin and not see at least one person I knew. Las Vegas may seem like a big city, but actually, it feels like everywhere you go you’ll run into someone you knew and it’s always that one kid from high school that you didn’t like. I’d like to just go somewhere where a person won’t remember me from high school, please and thank you. 

See Also

8. Going on a flight back to Las Vegas on a Friday is the absolute WORST. 

There’s always that one annoying bachelor group in the back that screams “VEGAASSSS BABY” the whole way there. Then the girls trip group who are probably all drunk and loudly discussing which casinos and clubs they’re going to go to when they land. All you want to do is sleep and get back home! Yes, you’re going back home to Vegas for the weekend, but your weekend is probably not going to be spent on The Strip and going back home with the large plastic alcohol container that proudly shows that you drank way too much in Vegas. 


9. Knowing all the local attorneys from their billboards and commercials. 

“Glen Lerner is the place to go…” The catchy tune will never leave my head. If you’re from Vegas, you definitely probably heard this commercial and saw Glen Lerner’s billboard everywhere. For some reason everywhere you go there is always a billboard for the same attorneys. We all know Ed Bernstein at this point…”Enough said, call Ed!”

10. Everyone became hockey fans or players when the Golden Knights came to Vegas. 

The Knights were really the first professional sports team to reside in Vegas so it was a huge deal when they started their first season in 2017. People went crazy with buying tons of merch, going to games, and memorizing every players’ name (myself included). The Knights really brought the whole community of Vegas together after the October 1 shooting. Suddenly every kid wanted to play hockey and you couldn’t go out of your house without seeing someone in Golden Knights attire. 


Growing up in Vegas definitely isn’t the glamorous lifestyle that most people think of. It’s just like any other town, except with tons of tourists always coming and going. Vegas will always be my home even if I don’t miss driving around and seeing cars with a sticker of my high school. 

Can any Vegas people relate to any of these points? Let us know in the comments below!

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